
Types of anti-social behaviour

  • Aggression
  • Cheating
  • Stealing
  • Littering

Types of aggression

  • Hostile - hot, impulsive
  • Instrumental - cold, premeditated
  • Passive - harming others by withholding a behavior
  • Active - harming others by performing a behavior
  • Physical vs. Psychological

Aggression theories / factors

  • Evolutionary
  • Instinct (thanatos)
  • Social learning
  • Drive theory & the frustration-aggression hypothesis
  • Aggression-catharsis hypothesis
  • Relative deprivation theory
  • Personality
  • Unpleasant moods
  • Anger
  • Excitation-transfer
  • Cognitive
    • Stereotypes
    • Prejudice
    • Schemas
    • Scripts
    • Attributions
      • Hostile attribution bias
      • Hostile perception bias
      • Hostile expectation bias
  • Age
  • Gender
    • Males - more hostile (esp. ~puberty)
    • Females - more relational
  • Stress
  • Selfishness
  • Domestic & relationship violence
  • Means to solve social dispute
  • As a form of social influence
  • Sexual motivation
  • Sexual excitation/arousal-transfer
  • Domestic
  • Displacement
    • Triggered displacement
  • Aggressive cues
    • Weapons effect
  • Mass media
  • Unpleasant environments
  • Chemical
    • Genetic makeup
    • Hormones - e.g., Testosterone (high)
    • Neurochemical - e.g., Serotonin (low)
    • Alcohol
    • Nutrition
  • Direct provocation & reciprocity norm
  • Self
    • Self-control (low)
    • Wounded pride (violent individuals)
    • Narcissism
    • Disinhibition
      • Learned disinhibition
    • Sexual arousal / pornography
  • Culture
    • Norms
      • Injunctive
      • Descriptive
    • Values
    • Honour
    • Humiliation
  • Crowd mind / behaviour
    • Deindividuation
    • Emergent norm theory
    • Social identity

