African Arthropods/Eumeninae
Potter Wasps of Africa (Eumeninae)
editPotter wasps with a narrow petiole - maximum width of Tergum 1 less than half the maximum width of Tergum 2.
Afreumenes aethiopicus
Afreumenes sp. building a nest
Cyrtolabulus sp.
Delta emarginatum
Eumenes sp. visiting Persicaria capitata flowers
Katamenes niger
Micreumenes sp.
Pareumenes sansibaricus
Pseudonortonia sp. building a nest
Zetheumenidion sp.
Zethus sp.
Potter wasps with the first segment of the gaster (metasoma) broad at the posterior end - maximum width of Tergum 1 more than half the maximum width of Tergum 2.
Alastor sp.
Allepipona sp. nest
Ancistrocerus sp.
Antepipona sp. building a nest
Anterhynchium grayi
Anterhynchium fallax
Antodynerus spoliatus visiting a fairy bellflower
Chlorodynerus sp.
Eumenidiopsis sp.
Gibberhynchium masariforme
Gioiella sp.
Knemodynerus sp.
Pachodynerus erynnis
Paravespa sp.
Proepipona sp.
Rhynchalastor sp.
Rhynchium sp.
Stellepipona sp.
Stroudia sp.
Synagris cf maxillosa
Tricarinodynerus guerinii