Advocacy in Technology and Society/Advocacy

In class edit-a-thon activity


In this activity, you will be contributing resources to our course's 'living syllabus', building towards a class bibliography. In your group, share what you're reading (books, chapters, or articles), listening to (podcasts or other audio), and/or what you're watching (video or other media, e.g. lectures, TED talks.) on emerging tech and society. Draw on what we read for class, what you read for reflections, and/or what you've read in other classes that interacts with our class material. Each group member should contribute at least one resource.

Goal:  Contribute resources on this topic, broadly framed. Please share citations and a brief summary about your contributions.

Format:  Each contribution should include the following:

  • APA citation of the resource
  • Type of Resource: Book, chapter, article, podcast, etc.
  • Brief summary of the resource
  • Name of Contributor (that's you! if you choose to include it)

Here is an example of what that would look like when you add it to the page:

Aho, B., & Duffield, R. (2020). Beyond surveillance capitalism: Privacy, regulation and big data in Europe and China. Economy and Society, 49(2), 187–212.

Type of Resource: Research Article

Summary: The paper employs a comparative approach to analyze two pivotal big data policies: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented by the European Union and China's social credit system (SCS). It asserts that these policies reflect distinct perspectives on data and individuals, serving as tangible governance measures in response to the proliferation of data surveillance infrastructures and the concept of 'surveillance capitalism' advanced by scholar Shoshana Zuboff. The paper contends that while the EU endeavors to reactively curtail the influence of surveillance capitalism through the GDPR, China actively embraces its principles for enhanced state utilization, thereby setting Europe and China on divergent trajectories of socio-economic development in the era of big data.

Contributor: Jaclyn Sawyer

With your group, build out this page with your contributions. To avoid any issues, one person should edit the page at a time. 

What we're reading:

  • “Hostile Homelands” by Azad Essa → Zainab
    • Why we chose this source: This book provides detailed insight regarding the role of the United States and Israel in providing surveillance and military-grade technology to suppress social movements and civil liberties. It also discusses the specific international, federal, state, and municipal level policies
    • Citation: Essa, A., & Alsaafin, L. (2023). Hostile homelands: The new alliance between India and Israel. Pluto Press
  • How Israeli technology turns occupation into profit → Zainab
    • Why we chose this source: This article includes a 20-minute podcast episode that discusses the Israeli military-industrial complex and how it has turned the occupied Palestinian territories into a testing group for advanced weaponry and surveillance technology, which it exports worldwide.
    • Citation: Al Jazeera. (2023, August 9). How Israeli technology turns occupation into profit. Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera.

What we're listening to:


What we're watching:
