Click on the word Grayscale in the HSL/Color/Grayscale Panel
Use the Grayscale Mix sliders to adjust the look of the photograph
To save as a Develop Preset, click the Create New Preset Icon (+) at the top of the Presets panel (Fig. 1.3)
In the New Develop Preset dialog box under Settings uncheck Basic Tone, all other boxes under Settings should be checked (Fig. 1.4)
Enter a name in the Preset Name field to help identify properly for future use (ex: BW - Medium Contrast) and select the folder to save the Preset in (ex: User Presets)
click on create
the Preset will now appear in the folder you selected and can be applied to a photo by clicking on it
Camera Calibration Method 1: Black and White Medium Contrast
Make any necessary adjustments to Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Brightness and Contrast before desaturating the image
set the Presence|Saturation slider to -100 (Fig. 1.1)
In the Camera Calibration panel (Fig. 1.2):
set the Red Primary|Hue slider to +100
set the Red Primary|Saturation slider to +100
set the Green Primary|Hue slider to -100
set the Green Primary|Saturation slider to -100
set the Blue Primary|Hue Slider to -100
set the Blue Primary|Saturation slider to -100
To save as a Develop Preset, click the Create New Preset Icon (+) at the top of the Presets panel (Fig. 1.3)
In the New Develop Preset dialog box under Settings uncheck Basic Tone, all other boxes under Settings should be checked (Fig. 1.4)
Enter a name in the Preset Name field to help identify properly for future use (ex: BW - Medium Contrast) and select the folder to save the Preset in (ex: User Presets)
click on create
the Preset will now appear in the folder you selected and can be applied to a photo by clicking on it
Camera Calibration Method 2: Black and White Light Contrast
Make any necessary adjustments to Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Brightness and Contrast before desaturating the image
set the Presence|Saturation slider to -100 (Fig. 1.1)
In the Camera Calibration panel (Fig. 2.1):
set the Red Primary|Hue slider to +100
set the Red Primary|Saturation slider to -100
set the Green Primary|Hue slider to +100
set the Green Primary|Saturation slider to +100
set the Blue Primary|Hue Slider to -100
set the Blue Primary|Saturation slider to 0
To save as a Develop Preset, click the Create New Preset Icon (+) at the top of the Presets panel (Fig. 1.3)
In the New Develop Preset dialog box under Settings uncheck Basic Tone, all other boxes under Settings should be checked (Fig. 1.4)
Enter a name in the Preset Name field to help identify properly for future use (ex: BW - Light Contrast) and select the folder to save the Preset in (ex: User Presets)
click on create
the Preset will now appear in the folder you selected and can be applied to a photo by clicking on it