Bibliography for Bible students

Type classification: this is a bibliography resource.

This is a bibliography of books that may be useful to students of the Bible, especially those involved with A Translation of the Bible. It cannot attempt to be comprehensive; there are thousands of books that could be listed. Books not available in English are excluded. However, it is hoped that the great majority of the most useful books in English will be included.

General Works and Introductions to the Bible

  • Anderson, G. W. (1979) Tradition and Interpretation, pub. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • Browning, W. R. F. (1996) The Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Bruce, F. F. (1969) Israel and the Nations (2nd ed.), pub. The Paternoster Press
  • Childs, B. S. (1979) Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture, pub. SCM Press
  • Geden, A. (1928) Introduction to the Ginsburg Edition of the Old Testament, pub. British and Foreign Bible Society
  • Gilmore, A. (2000) A Dictionary of the English Bible and its Origins, pub. Sheffield Academic Press; ISBN 1-84127-068-7
  • Harrison, R. K. (1969) Introduction to the Old Testament, pub. W. B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-3107-9
  • Hayes, J. H. (1979) An Introduction to Old Testament Study, pub. Abingdon Press
  • Metzger, B. M. & Coogan, M. D. (1993) The Oxford Companion to the Bible, pub. Oxford University Press: ISBN 0-19-504645-5
  • Miller, J. M. & Hayes, J. H. (1986) A History of Ancient Israel and Judah, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-334-02042-5
  • Rowley, H. H. (1951) The Old Testament and Modern Study, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Wright, G. E. (1961) The Bible and the Ancient Near East, pub. Doubleday

Introductions to the New Testament

  • Gundry, R. H. (1981) A Survey of the New Testament, pub. Zondervan
  • Guthrie, D. (1990) New Testament Introduction (Rev. ed.), pub. InterVarsity Press
  • Gromacki, R. 91974) New Testament Survey, pub. Baker
  • Harrison, E. F. (1964) Introduction to the New Testament, pub. Eerdmans
  • Pentecost, J. D. (1981) The Words and Works of Jesus Christ, pub. Zondervan
  • Tenney, M. C. (1985) New Testament Survey (2nd ed.), pub. Eerdmans

Translation theory

  • Bruce, F. F. (1979) History of the Bible in English (3rd ed), pub. Lutterworth; ISBN 0-7188-2662-0
  • Dewey, D. (2004) Which Bible?, pub. Inter-Varsity Press, ISBN 1-84474-035-8
  • Kubo, S. & Specht, W. (1975) So Many Versions? Twentieth Century English Versions of the Bible, pub. Zondervan
  • Lewis, J. P. (1991) The English Bible from KJV to NIV (2nd ed), pub. Baker: ISBN 0-8010-5666-7
  • Martin, R. P. (1998) Accuracy of Translation: The Primary Criterion in Evaluating Bible Versions, pub. Banner of Truth: ISBN 978-0851517353
  • Metzger, B. M. (2001) The Bible in Translation, pub. Baker: ISBN 0-8010-2282-7
  • Mulder, M. J. (1988) Mikra: Text, Translation, Reading and Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-0604-3
  • Rowley, H. H. (1951) The Old Testament and Modern Study, pub. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • Ryken, L. (2002) The Word of God in English, Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation, pub. Crossway
  • Thomas, R. (2000) How to Choose a Bible Version, pub. Mentor Books
  • Vaughan, C. (1988) The Bible from 26 Translations, pub. Mathis Publishers
  • Wegner, P. D. (1999) The Journey from Texts to Translations, pub. Baker: ISBN 0-8010-2169-3


  • Plummer, R. L. (2010). 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible. (B. L. Merkle, Ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic & Professional.
  • Stein, R. H. (2011). A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible: Playing by the Rules (Second Edition). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
  • Corley, B., Lemke, S., & Lovejoy, G. (2002). Biblical hermeneutics: a comprehensive introduction to interpreting Scripture (2nd ed.). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman.
  • Carson, D. A., & Woodbridge, J. D. (Eds.). (2005). Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers.
  • Hendricks, H. G., & Hendricks, W. D. (2007). Living by the Book: the art and science of reading the Bible. Chicago: Moody Publishers.
  • Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

Archaeology and geography

  • Aharoni, Y. (1979) The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography of the Bible, pub. Westminster John Knox
  • Albright, W. F. (1960) The Archaeology of Palestine (4th ed.), pub. Penguin Books
  • Arnold, B. T. and Beyer, B. E. (1977) The Macmillan Bible Atlas, pub. Macmillan
  • Baly, D. (1974) The Geography of the Bible (2nd ed.), pub. Harper
  • Beitzel, B. J. (1985) The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands, pub. Moody
  • Blaiklock, E. M. & Harrison, R. K. (1983) The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, pub. Zondervan
  • Dowley, T. (1997) Atlas of the Bible and Christianity, pub. Baker
  • Freedman, D. N. & Greenfield, J. C. (1969), pub. Doubleday
  • Lance, H. D. (1981) The Old Testament and the Archaeologist, pub. SPCK: ISBN 0-281-04021-4
  • Pfeiffer, C. F. & Vos, H. F. (1967) The Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands, pub. Moody
  • Thompson, J. A. (1972) The Bible and Archaeology, pub. Eerdmans
  • Vos, H. F. (1987) Archaeology in Biblical Lands, pub. Moody

Textual criticism



  • Bruce, F. F. (1991) The Books and the Parchments (5th ed), pub. Marshall Pickering
  • Goodwin, D. W. (1969) Text-Restoration Methods in Contemporary U.S.A. Biblical Scholarship, pub. Istituto Orientale di Napoli
  • O'Flaherty, W. D. (1979) The Critical Study of Sacred Texts, pub. University of California at Berkeley: ISBN 0-89581-101-4
  • Wegner, P. D. (1999) The Journey from Texts to Translations, pub. Baker Books: ISBN 0-8010-2169-3

Old Testament

  • Barr, J. (1968) Comparative Philology and the Text of the Old Testament, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Barthelemy, D. et al. (1979) Preliminary and Interim Report on the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project, 2nd ed., 5 vols, pub. United Bible Societies
  • Brotzen, E. (1994) Old Testament Textual Criticism, pub. Baker Books: ISBN 0-8010-1065-9
  • Davidson, S. (1855) The Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, Revised from Critical Sources, pub. Samuel Bagster
  • Deist, F. E. (1981) Towards the Text of the Old Testament (2nd ed.), pub. N. G. Kerkboekhandel Transvaal
  • Klein, R. (1974) Textual Criticism of the Old Testament, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-1087-3
  • McCarter, P. Kyle (1986) Textual Criticism: Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-0471-7
  • Roberts, B. J. (1951) The Old Testament Text and Versions, pub. University of Wales Press
  • Tov, E. (2001) Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (2nd ed.), pub. Royal Van Gorcum: ISBN 90-232-3715-3
  • Weingreen, J. (1982) Introduction to the Critical Study of the text of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Clarendon Press: ISBN 0-19-815453-4
  • Wurthwein, E. (1995) The Text of the Old Testament (2nd ed.), pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-8028-0788-7

Individual Old Testament Books

  • Hendel, R. S. (1998) The Text of Genesis 1-11, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Spurrell, G. J. (1896) Notes on the Text of Genesis (2nd ed), pub. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • Benjamin, C. D. (1921): The Variations between the Hebrew and Greek Texts of Joshua: Chapters 1-12, pub. W Drugulin
  • Greenspoon, L. J. (1983) Textual Studies in the Book of Joshua (Harvard Semitic Monographs 28), pub. Scholars Press
  • Holmes,S. (1914) Joshua: The Hebrew and Greek Texts, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Boer, P. A. H. de (1938) Research into the Text of I Samuel I-XVI, pub. H. J. Paris
  • Driver, S. R. (1913) Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Samuel (2nd ed), pub. Oxford University Press
  • Pisano, S. (1984) Additions or Omissions in the Books of Samuel, pub. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Tov, E. (1980) The Hebrew and Greek Texts of Samuel, pub. Academon Jerusalem
  • Burney, C. F. (1903) Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Kings, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Janzen, J. G. (1973) Studies in the Text of Jeremiah, pub. Harvard University Press: ISBN 9780674184800
  • Streane, A. W. (1896) The Double Text of Jeremiah, pub. George Bell & Sons
  • Stulman, L. (1985) The Other Text of Jeremiah, pub. University Press of America: ISBN 0-8191-4988-8
  • Workman, G. C. (1889) The Text of Jeremiah, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Goshen-Gottstein, M. H. (2004) The Book of Ezekiel, pub. Magnes Press: ISBN 965-493-186-9
  • Taylor, J. (1891) The Massoretic Text and the Ancient Versions of the Book of Micah, pub. Williams and Norgate
  • Zandstra, S. (1909) The Witness of the Vulgate, Peshitta and Septuagint to the Text of Zephaniah, pub. Columbia University Press
  • Jansma, T. (1949) Inquiry into the Hebrew text and the Ancient Versions of Zechariah, pub. E. J. Brill
  • Sheppard, H. W. (1920) The First Book of Psalms in the Text of G1, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Scott, M. (1927) Textual Discoveries in Proverbs, Psalms and Isaiah, pub. SPCK
  • Grabbe, L. L. (1977) Comparative Philology and the Text of Job, pub. Scholars Press: ISBN 0-89130-139-9
  • Stevenson, W. B. (1951) Critical Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Poem of Job, pub. The Aberdeen University Press
  • Gottlieb, H. (1978) A Study on the Text of Lamentations, pub. Acta Jutlandica: ISBN 87-87671-04-2

New Testament

  • Aland, K. (1996) The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism (2nd ed), pub. Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0802840981
  • Anderson, G. W. & D. E. (1993) A Textual Key to the New Testament, pub. Trinitarian Bible Society
  • Clarke, K. D. (1997) Textual Optimism: A Critique of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament, pub. Sheffield Academic Press: ISBN 978-1850756491
  • Greenlee, J. H. (1964) Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism, pub. Eerdmans
  • Metzger, B. M. (1971) A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, pub. United Bible Societies
  • Metzger, B. M. (1995) The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (4th ed), pub. Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0195161229


  • Dines, J. M. (2004) The Septuagint, pub. T. & T. Clark: ISBN 0 567 08464 7
  • Jellicoe, S. (1968) The Septuagint and Modern Study, pub. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • Jobes, K. H. & Silva, M. (2000) Invitation to the Septuagint, pub. Baker Books: ISBN 1-84227-061-3
  • Pietersma, A. & Wright, B. G. (2007) A New English Translation of the Septuagint, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Swete, H. B. (1914) An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (2nd ed), pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Tov, E. (1997) The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (2nd ed.), pub. Simor Ltd.: ISBN 9652420034

Dead Sea Scrolls


This only includes books that deal primarily with the Bible scrolls found at Qumran and elsewhere near the Dead Sea

  • Abegg, M. et al. (1999) The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, pub. T. & T. Clark: ISBN 0-567-08715-8
  • Brownlee, W. H. (1959) The Text of Habakkuk in the Ancient Commentary from Qumran, pub. Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
  • Brownlee, W. H. (1964) The Meaning of the Qumran Scrolls for the Bible, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Brownlee, W. H. (1979) The Midrash Pesher of Habakkuk, pub. Scholars Press: ISBN 0-89130-096-1
  • Cross, F. M. & Talmon, S. (1965) Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text, pub. Harvard University Press
  • Flint, P. W. (2001) The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape, and Interpretation, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-4630-0
  • Herbert, E. D. & Tov, E. (2002) The Bible as Book; The Hebrew Bible and the Judaean Desert Discoveries, pub. The British Library: ISBN 0-7123-4726-7
  • Rosenbloom, J. R. (1970) The Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll: A Literary Analysis, pub. Eerdmans
  • Scanlin, H. S. (1993) The Dead Sea Scrolls & Modern Translations of the Old Testament, pub. Tyndale House: ISBN 0-8423-1010-X
  • Ulrich, E. (1978) The Qumran Text of Samuel and Josephus, pub. Scholars Press: ISBN 0-89130-256-5
  • Ulrich, E. (1999) The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-4611-4
  • Waard, J, de (1965) A Comparative Study of the Old Testament Text in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the New Testament, pub. E. J. Brill

Canon and Masorah

  • Bruce, F. F. (1988) The Canon of the Scripture, pub. InterVarsity
  • Geden, A. (1906) The Massoretic and Other Notes of the Hebrew Scriptures, pub. British and Foreign Bible Society
  • Ginsburg, C. D. (1897) Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Trinitarian Bible Society
  • Kelley, P. H., Mynatt, D. S. & Crawford, T. G. (1998) The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-4363-8
  • Kennedy, J. (1903) The Note-Line in the Hebrew Scriptures, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Leiman, S. Z. (1974) The Canon and Masorah of the Hebrew Bible, pub. KTAV: ISBN 0870681648
  • Leiman, S. Z. (1991) The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture (2nd ed.), pub. The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: ISBN 1-878508-04-0
  • McCarthy, C. (1981) The Tiqqune Sopherim, pub. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: ISBN 3-525-53344-6
  • Metzger, B. M. (1987) The Canon of the New Testament, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Mynatt, D. S. (1994) The Sub Loco Notes in the Torah, pub. BIBAL: ISBN 0-941037-33-9
  • Wonneberger, R. (1990) Understanding BHS: A Manual for the Users of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, pub. Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico - Roma: ISBN 88-7653-578-0
  • Yeivin, I. (1980) Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah, pub. Scholars Press: ISBN 0-89130-373-1

Other special topics

  • Barr, J. (1982) The Variable Spellings of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Beyerlin, W. (1978) Near Eastern Religious Texts relating to the Old Testament, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0664213634
  • Butin, R. (1906) The Ten Nequdoth of the Torah, pub. Harvard University Press
  • Gall, A. F. von (1918) Der Hebraische Pentateuch der Samaritaner, pub. Verlag von Alfred Topelmann
  • Gillingham, S. E. (1994) The Poems and Psalms of the Hebrew Bible, pub. Oxford University press: ISBN 0-19-213242-3
  • Kahle, P. (1959) The Cairo Geniza (2nd ed), pub. Basil Blackwell
  • Pritchard, J. B. (1969a) Ancient Near Eastern Texts (3rd ed.), pub. Princeton University Press: ISBN 0-691-03503-2
  • Pritchard, J. B. (1969b) The Ancient Near East in Pictures (2nd ed.), pub. Princeton University Press: ISBN 0-691-03502-4
  • Russell, D. S. (1987) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, pub. SCP Press: ISBN 0-334-02229-0
  • Sparks, H. F. D. (1984) The Apocryphal Old Testament, pub. Oxford University Press: ISBN 0-19-826166-7
    • Gives translations of and brief commentaries on several apocryphal books not usually included in the standard Bible apocrypha.
  • Winton Thomas, D. (1958) Documents from Old Testament Times, pub. Thomas Nelson

Commentaries on the whole Bible


While no one-volume commentary on the whole Bible can go into much detail, the books below provide good overviews and background reading. Comparison of two or three different books can provide illuminating insights into the varying perspectives that different scholars can have.

  • Brown, R. (1990) The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, pub. Prentice Hall
  • Walter Elwell (1989) Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, pub. Baker, 1989.
  • Mays, J. L. (1988) Harper's Bible Commentary, pub. Harper & Row
  • Metzger, B. M. (1991) The New Oxford Annotated Bible, pub. Oxford University Press: ISBN 0-19-528356-2
  • Suggs, M. J. (1992) The Oxford Study Bible: Revised English Bible with the Apocrypha, pub. Oxford University Press

Commentaries on part of the Bible


Where a commentary covers more than one book, it is generally listed under the first book. There is a separate section for the Five Books of Moses and for the Twelve Prophets. Many of these commentaries include a substantial amount of textual criticism. However, commentaries primarily concerned with the textual criticism of a book are listed in the Textual Criticism section.

Five Books of Moses

  • Cohen, A. (1947) The Soncino Chumash, pub. Soncino
  • Hertz, J. H. (1937) The Pentateuch and Haftorahs (2nd ed), pub. Soncino: ISBN 0-900689-21-8
  • Sforno, Obadiah of (1987) Commentary on the Torah, vol. 1, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-238-5
  • Sforno, Obadiah of (1989) Commentary on the Torah, vol. 2, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-240-7


  • Cassuto, U. (1964) From Abraham to Noah (2 vols), pub. Magnes Press
  • Dillmann, A. (1897) Genesis (2 vols.), pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Sarna, N. M. (1966) Understanding Genesis, pub. Schocken: ISBN 0-8052-0253-6
  • Sarna, N. M. (1989) Genesis, pub. The Jewish Publication Society: ISBN 0-8276-0326-6
  • Skinner, J. (1932) Genesis (2nd ed), pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Speiser, E. A. (1964) Genesis, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00854-6
  • Wenham, G. J. (1987) Genesis 1-15, pub. Word: ISBN 0-85009-448-8
  • Wenham, G. J. (1994) Genesis 16-50, pub. Word: ISBN 0-8499-0201-0
  • Westermann, C. (1984) Genesis 1-11, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0-8006-9500-3
  • Westermann, C. (1985) Genesis 12-36, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0800695011
  • Westermann, C. (1986) Genesis 37-50, pub. SPCK: ISBN 0-281-04277-2
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1986) Genesis (2 vols, 2nd ed.), pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-362-4


  • Cassuto, U. (1967) Commentary on the Book of Exodus, pub. Magnes Press
  • Childs, B. S. (1974) Exodus, pub. Westminster Press: ISBN 978-0664209858
  • Durham, J. I. (1987) Exodus, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0202-9
  • Houtman, C. (1993) Exodus vol. 1, pub. Kok Kampen: ISBN 90-242-6213-5
  • Houtman, C. (1996) Exodus vol. 2, pub. Kok Kampen: ISBN 90-242-6194-5
  • Houtman, C. (2000) Exodus vol. 3, pub. Peeters Leeuven: ISBN 90-429-0805-X
  • Noth, M. (1962) Exodus, pub. Westminster Press
  • Propp, W. H. C. (1999) Exodus 1-18, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-14804-6
  • Propp, W. H. C. (2006) Exodus 19-40, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-24693-5
  • Sarna, N. M. (1986) Exploring Exodus, pub. Schocken: ISBN 0-8052-1063-6
  • Sarna, N. M. (1991) Exodus, pub. Jewish Publication Society: ISBN 0-8276-0328-2






  • Christenson, D. L. (2001) Deuteronomy 1:1-21:9, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-7852-4220-1
  • Christenson, D. L. (2002) Deuteronomy 21:10-34:12, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-1032-3
  • Driver, S. R. (1895) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • McConville, J. G. (2002) Deuteronomy, pub. InterVarsity Press: ISBN 0-85111-779-1
  • Nelson, R. D. (2002) Deuteronomy, pub. Westminster Press: ISBN 0-664-21952-7
  • Rad, G. von (1966) Deuteronomy, pub. Westminster Press
  • Tigay, J. H. (1996) Deuteronomy, pub. The Jewish Publication Society: ISBN 0-8276-0330-4
  • Weinfeld, M. (1991) Deuteronomy 1-11, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-17593-0


  • Auld, A. G. (1998) Joshua Retold, pub. T & T Clark: ISBN 0 567 08603 8
  • Bennett, W. H. (1899) Joshua, pub. James Clarke & Co.
  • Boling, R. G. & Wright, G. E. (1982) Joshua, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00034-0
  • Butler, T. C. (1983) Joshua, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0206-1
  • Cohen, A. (1950) Joshua and Judges, pub. Soncino
  • Cooke, G. A. (1918) The Book of Joshua, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Drucker, R. (1982) Yehoshua/Joshua, pub. Mesorah Press: ISBN 0-89906-087-0
  • Nelson, R. D. (1997) Joshua, pub. Westminster Press: ISBN 0-664-21941-1
  • Soggin, J. A. (1972) Joshua, pub. Westminster Press


  • Boling, R. G. (1975) Judges, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-01029-X
  • Burney, C. F. (1918) The Book of Judges, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Butler, T. (2009) Judges, pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 978-0-8499-0207-9
  • Cooke, G. A. (1913) The Book of Judges, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Lindars, B. (1995) Judges 1-5, pub. T & T Clark: ISBN 0-567-09696-3
  • Moore, G. F. (1895) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Judges, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Niditch, S. (2008) Judges, pub. Westminster John Knox Press: ISBN 978-0-664-22096-9
  • Soggin, J. A. (1987) Judges (2nd ed), pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0334021081


  • Anderson, A. A. (1989) 2 Samuel, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0210-X
  • Firth, D. G. (2009) 1 & 2 Samuel, pub. InterVarsity Press: ISBN 978-1-84474-368-1
  • Goldman, S. (1951) Samuel, pub. Soncino
  • Hertzberg, H. W. (1964) I & II Samuel, pub. Westminster Press
  • Klein, R. W. (2008) I Samuel (2nd ed), pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 978 0718025311
  • McCarter, P. K. (1980) I Samuel, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-06760-7
  • McCarter, P. K. (1984) II Samuel, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-06808-5
  • Smith, H. P. (1899) Samuel, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Tsumura, D. T. (2007) The First Book of Samuel, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 978-0-8028-2359-5


  • Cogan, M. (2001) I Kings, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-02992-6
  • Cogan, M. & Tadmor, H. (1988) II Kings, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-02388-X
  • DeVries, S. J. (1985) I Kings, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0211-8
  • Gray, J. (1977) I & II Kings (3rd ed), pub. Westminster Press
  • Hobbs, T. R. (1985) 2 Kings, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0212-6
  • Montgomery, J. A & Gehman, J. S. (1951) Kings, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Slotki, I. W. (1950) Kings, pub. Soncino
  • Sweeney, M. A. (2007) I & II Kings, pub. Westminster John Knox: ISBN 978-0-664-22084-6


  • Baltzer, K. (2001) Deutero-Isaiah, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6039-0
  • Blenkinsopp, J. (2000) Isaiah 1-39, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-49716-4
  • Blenkinsopp, J. (2002) Isaiah 40-55, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-49717-2
  • Blenkinsopp, J. (2003) Isaiah 56-66, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-50174-9
  • Childs, B. S. (2001) Isaiah, pub. Westminster John Knox: ISBN 0-664-22143-2
  • Friedlander, M. (1873) The Commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah, pub. Society for the Promotion of Hebrew Literature
  • Goldingay, J. & Payne, D. (2006a) Isaiah 40-55 Volume I, pub. T. and T. Clark: ISBN 0-567-04461-0
  • Goldingay, J. & Payne, D. (2006b) Isaiah 40-55 Volume II, pub. T. and T. Clark: ISBN 0-567-03072-5
  • Gray, G. B. (1912) Isaiah 1-27, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Kissane, E. J. (1941) The Book of Isaiah Vol. I (I-XXXIX), pub. Browne and Nolan
  • Kissane, E. J. (1943) The Book of Isaiah Vol. II (XL-LXVI), pub. Browne and Nolan
  • McKenzie, J. L. (1968) Second Isaiah, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-05390-8
  • Mackintosh, A. A. (1980) Isaiah xxi: A palimpsest, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0 521 22943 X
  • North, C. R. (1964) The Second Isaiah, pub. Oxford University Press
  • Slotki, I. W. (1949) Isaiah, pub. Soncino
  • Torrey, C. C. (1928) The Second Isaiah, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Waard, Jan de (1997) A Handbook on Isaiah, pub. Eisenbrauns: ISBN 1-57506-023-X
  • Watts, J. D. W. (1985) Isaiah 1-33, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0223-1
  • Watts, J. D. W. (1987) Isaiah 34-66, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0224-X
  • Westermann, C. (1969) Isaiah 40-66, pub. Westminster Press: ISBN 0 334 00730 5
  • Wildberger, H. (1991) Isaiah 1-12, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-9508-9
  • Wildberger, H. (1997) Isaiah 13-27, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-9509-7
  • Wildberger, H. (2002) Isaiah 28-39, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-9510-0
  • Williamson, H. G. M. (2006) Isaiah 1-5, pub. T. and T. Clark: ISBN 0-567-04451-3




  • Allen, L. C. (1994) Ezekiel 1-19, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0830-2
  • Allen, L. C. (1990) Ezekiel 20-48, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0228-2
  • Bloch, D. I. (1997) The Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 1-24, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0802825354
  • Bloch, D. I. (1998) The Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 25-48, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2536-2
  • Breuer, J. (1993) The Book of Yechezkel, pub. Feldheim: ISBN 0-87306-956-0
  • Brownlee, W. H. (1986) Ezekiel 1-19, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0227-4
  • Cooke, G. A. (1936) Ezekiel, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Eichrodt, W. (1970) Ezekiel, pub. Westminster Press
  • Eisemann, M. (1988) Ezekiel (3rd ed.), pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-085-4
  • Fisch, S. (1950) Ezekiel, pub. Soncino
  • Greenberg, M. (1983) Ezekiel 1-20, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00954-2
  • Greenberg, M. (1997) Ezekiel 21-37, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-18200-7
  • Wevers, J. W. (1969) Ezekiel, pub. Eeerdmans
  • Zimmerli, W. (1979) Ezekiel 1, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6008-0
  • Zimmerli, W. (1983) Ezekiel 2, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6010-2

Twelve Prophets

  • Cohen, A. (1948) The Twelve Prophets, pub. Soncino
  • McComiskey, T. E. (1992) The Minor Prophets Vol. 1, pub. Baker Book House: ISBN 0-8010-6285-3
  • McComiskey, T. E. (1993) The Minor Prophets Vol. 2, pub. Baker Book House: ISBN 0-8010-6307-8
  • McComiskey, T. E. (1998) The Minor Prophets Vol. 3, pub. Baker Book House: ISBN 0-8010-2055-7
  • Mitchell, H. G., Smith, J. M. P. and Bewer, J. A. (1912) Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Jonah, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Roberts, M. (1995) The Twelve Prophets Vol. I, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-017-X
  • Smith, J. M. P., Ward, W. H. and Bewer, J. A. (1911) Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah and Joel, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Smith, R. L. (1984) Micah-Malachi, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0231-2
  • Stavsky, Y. (2009) The Twelve Prophets Vol. II, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 1-4226-0911-1
  • Stuart, D. (1987) Hosea-Jonah, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0235-5


  • Andersen, F. L. & Freedman, D. N. (1980) Hosea, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00768-X
  • Dearman, J. A. (2010) Hosea, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 978-0-8028-2539-1
  • Harper, W. R. (1905) Amos and Hosea, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • MacIntosh, A. A. (1997) Hosea, pub. T. and T. Clark: ISBN 0 567 08545 7
  • Mays, J. L. (1969) Hosea, pub. Westminster Press
  • Wolff, H. W. (1974) Hosea, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6004-8




  • Andersen, F. L. & Freedman, D. N. (1989) Amos, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00773-6
  • Mays, J. L. (1969) Amos, pub. Westminster Press
  • Paul, S. M. (1991) Amos, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6023-4
  • Robinson, T. H. (1951) The Book of Amos, pub. SPCK
  • Smith, G. V. (1998) Amos (2nd ed.), pub. Mentor: ISBN 1 85792 253 0
  • Snaith, N. H. (1945) Amos Part I, pub. The Epworth Press
  • Snaith, N. H. (1946) Amos Part II, pub. The Epworth Press
  • Soggin, J. A. (1987) The Prophet Amos, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-334-00053-X


  • Raabe, P. R. (1996) Obadiah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-41268-1
  • Renkema, J. (2003) Obadiah, pub. Peeters: ISBN 90-429-1345-2
  • Watts, J. W. (1969) Obadiah: A Critical Exegetical Commentary, pub. Eerdmans
  • Wolff, H. W. (1986) Obadiah and Jonah, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0-8066-2244-X


  • Almbladh, K. (1986) Studies in the Book of Jonah, pub. University of Uppsala: ISBN 91-554-1535-0
  • Sasson, J. M. (1990) Jonah, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-23525-9
  • Simon, U. (1999) Jonah, pub. The Jewish Publication Society of America: ISBN 0-8276-0672-9
  • Snaith, N. H. (1945) Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Jonah, pub. The Epworth Press
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1978) Yonah/Jonah, pub. Mesorah Publications




  • Cathcart, K. J. (1973) Nahum in the Light of Northwest Semitic, pub. Biblical Institute Press
  • Christensen, D. L. (2009) Nahum, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300144796
  • Maier, W. A. (1959) The Book of Nahum, pub. Concordia Publishing House
  • Patterson, R. D. (1991) Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, pub. Moody Press: ISBN 0-8024-9264-9
  • Roberts, J. J. M. (1991) Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah, pub. Westminster John Knox Press: ISBN 0-664-21937-3
  • Spronk, Klaas (1997) Nahum, pub. Kok Pharos: ISBN 90 242 6355 7


  • Andersen, F. I. (2001) Habakkuk, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-08396-3
  • Haak, R. D. (1991) Habakkuk, pub. E. J. Brill: ISBN 90 04 09506 3
  • Hiebert, T. (1986) God of My Victory: The Ancient Hymn in Habakkuk 3 (Harvard Semitic monographs 38), pub. Scholars Press: ISBN 1-55540-077-9




  • Merrill, E. H. (1994) Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, pub. Moody Press: ISBN 0-8024-9266-5
  • Meyers, C. L. & E. M. (1987) Haggai, Zechariah 1-8, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-14482-2
  • Petersen, D. L. (1984) Haggai & Zechariah 1-8, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0 334 02041 7
  • Redditt, P. L. (1995) Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, pub. Marshall Pickering: ISBN 0-551-02832-7
  • Verhoff, P. A. (1987) The Books of Haggai and Malachi, pub. W. B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2376-9
  • Wolff, H. W. (1988) Haggai, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0-8066-2366-7






  • Allen, L. C. (2002) Psalms 101-150, pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 0-7852-4773-4
  • Briggs, C. A. (1906) Psalms (2 vols), pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Cohen, A. (1945) The Psalms, pub. Soncino
  • Craigie, P. C. (1983) Psalms 1-50, pub. Word Inc.: ISBN 0-85009-440-2
  • Dahood, M. J. (1965) Psalms I, pub. Doubleday
  • Dahood, M. J. (1968) Psalms II, pub. Doubleday
  • Dahood, M. J. (1970) Psalms III, pub. Doubleday
  • Feuer, A. C. (1985a) Psalms 1-72, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-060-9
  • Feuer, A. C. (1985b) Psalms 73-150, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-062-5
  • Hossfeld, F. L. & Zenger, E. (2005) Psalms 2, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6061-7
  • Kraus, H. J. (1988a) Psalms 1-59, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0-8006-9503-8
  • Kraus, H. J. (1988b) Psalms 60-150, pub. Augsburg: ISBN 0-8066-2425-6
  • Oesterley, W. O. E. (1939) The Psalms, pub. S.P.C.K.
  • Tate, M. E. (1990) Psalms 51-100, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0219-3
  • Weiser, A. (1962) The Psalms, pub. Westminster Press
  • Wellhausen, J. (1898) Psalms, pub. James Clarke & Co.


  • Cohen, A. (1946) The Proverbs, pub. Soncino
  • Dahood, M. (1963) Proverbs and Northwest Semitic Philology, pub. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum
  • Fox, M. V. (2000) Proverbs 1-9, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-26437-2
  • Fox, M. V. (2009) Proverbs 10-31, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 978-0-300-14209-9
  • Ginsburg, E. (1998) Proverbs Vol. 1 Chapters 1-15, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 1-57819-277-3
  • Ginsburg, E. (2007) Proverbs Vol. 2 Chapters 16-31, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 1422605906
  • Kidner, D. (1985) An Introduction to Wisdom Literature: the Wisdom of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, pub. InterVarsity Press
  • McKane, W. (1970} Proverbs, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0 334 01341 0
  • Murphy, R. E. (1998) Proverbs, pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 0-8499-0221-5
  • Scott, R. B. Y. (1965) Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-02177-1
  • Toy, C. H. (1899) Proverbs, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Waltke, B. K. (2004) The Book of Proverbs Chapters 1-15, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2545-1
  • Waltke, B. K. (2005) The Book of Proverbs Chapters 15-31, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2776-4
  • Whybray, R. N. (1972) The Book of Proverbs, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Whybray, R. N. (1994) Proverbs, pub. Marshall Pickering: ISBN 0-551-02831-9
  • Ball, C. J. (1922) The Book of Job, pub. Clarendon Press
  • Blommerde, A. C. M. (1969) Northwest Semitic Grammar and Job, pub. Pontifical Biblical Institute
  • Buttenwieser, M. (1922) The Book of Job, pub. MacMillan
  • Clines, D. J. A. (1989) Job 1-20, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0216-9
  • Clines, D. J. A. (2006) Job 21-37, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0217-7
  • Dhorme, E. (1967) A Commentary on the Book of Job, pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 0-8407-5421-3
  • Driver, S. R. and Gray, G. B. (1921) Job, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Eisemann, M. (1994) Job, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-015-3
  • Gordis, R. (1965) The Book of God and Man: A Study of Job, pub. University of Chicago Press
  • Gordis, R. (1978) The Book of Job, pub. Jewish Theological Seminary
  • Habel, N. C. (1985) The Book of Job, pub. SCM Press Ltd.: ISBN 0664222188
  • Hartley, J. E. (1988) The Book of Job, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0802825281
  • Kissane, E. J. (1946) The Book of Job, pub. Sheed & Ward
  • MacDonald, J. (1968) Studies in the Book of Job, pub. E. J. Brill
  • Pope, M. H. (1965) Job, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00894-5
  • Reichert, V. E. (1946) Job, pub. Soncino
  • Rowley, H. H. (1976) Job (2nd ed), pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-1838-2
  • Snaith, N. H. (1945) The Book of Job, pub. The Epworth Press

The Five Megilloth

  • Cohen, A. (1946) The Five Megilloth, pub. Soncino

Song of Songs

  • Bloch, A. & Bloch, C. (1995) The Song of Songs, pub. University of California Press: ISBN 0-520-21330-0
  • Garrett, D. & House, P. R. (2004) Song of Songs/Lamentations, pub. Thomas Nelson: ISBN 0-8499-0825-6
  • Ginsburg, C. D. (1857) The Song of Songs, pub. SPCK
  • Gordis, R. (1974) The Song of Songs and Lamentations (2nd ed.), pub. Ktav Publishing House: ISBN 0-87068-256-3
  • Keel, O. (1986) The Song of Songs, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-9507-0
  • Longman, T. (2001) Song of Songs, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2543-5
  • Murphy, R. E. (1990)The Song of Songs, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6024-2
  • Pope, M. H. (1977) Song of Songs, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-00569-5
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1977) Shir haShirim/The Song of Songs, pub. Mesorah Press: ISBN 0-89906-000-5




  • Albrektson, B. (1963) Studies in the Text and Theology of the Book of Lamentations, pub. CWK Gleerup
  • Hillers, D. (1992) Lamentations (2nd ed.), pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-26407-0
  • Provan, I. W. (1991) Lamentations, pub. W. B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-551-02323-6
  • Renkema, J. (1998) Lamentations, pub. Peeters: ISBN 90-429-0677-4
  • Salters, R. B. (2010) Lamentations, pub. T & T Clark Ltd.: ISBN 978 0 567 57651 4
  • Westermann, C. (1994) Lamentations, pub. T & T Clark Ltd.: ISBN 0 567 29226 6
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1976b) Eichah/Lamentations, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-004-8


  • Barton, G. A. (1908) Ecclesiastes, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Fox, M. V. (1989) Qohelet and his Contradictions, pub. Almond Press Sheffield ISBN 1-85075-143-9
  • Ginsburg, C. D. (1861) Coheleth (Commonly Called the Book of Ecclesiastes), pub. SPCK
  • Gordis, R. (1968) Koheleth: The Man and His World (3rd ed.), pub. Schocken
  • Haupt, P. (1905) The Book of Ecclesiastes, pub. The Johns Hopkins Press
  • Kruger, T. (2004) Qoheleth, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6036-6
  • Longman, T. (1998)The Book of Ecclesiastes, pub. William B. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2366-1
  • McNeile, A. H. (1904) An Introduction to Ecclesiastes, pub. Cambridge University Press
  • Murphy, R. (1992) Ecclesiastes, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0222-3
  • Seow, C. L. (1997) Ecclesiastes, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-41114-6
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1976c) Koheles/Ecclesiastes, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-006-4


  • Berlin, A. (2001) Esther, pub. The Jewish Publication Society: ISBN 0-8276-06990
  • Clines, D. J. A. (1984) The Esther Scroll, pub. JSOT Press; ISBN 0-905774-66-3
  • Levenson, J. D. (1997), pub. SCM Press Ltd.: ISBN 0-334-02685-7
  • Moore, C. A. (1971) Esther, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0385004729
  • Paton, L. B. (1908) Esther, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Zlotowitz, M. (1976d) The Megillah/The Book of Esther, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-000-5


  • Charles, R. H. (1911) Daniel, pub. T. C. & E. C. Jack
  • Charles, R. H. (1929) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, pub. Clarendon Press
  • Collins, J. J. (1993) Daniel, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6040-4
  • Goldingay, J. E. (1987) Daniel, pub. Word Publishing: ISBN 0-85009-479-8
  • Hartman, L. F. & di Lella, A. A. (1978) The Book of Daniel, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-01322-1
  • Kitchen, K. A. (1965) Notes on Some Problems in the Book of Daniel, pub. Tyndale
  • Lacocque, A. (1979) The Book of Daniel, pub. SPCK: ISBN 0-281-03595-4
  • Lucas, E. C. (2002) Daniel, pub. InterVarsity Press; ISBN 0-85111-780-5
  • Montgomery, J. A. (1927) Daniel, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Goldwurn, H. (1979) Daniel, pub. Mesorah Publications
  • Slotki, J. J. (1951) Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, pub. Soncino


  • Batten, L. W. (1913) Ezra and Nehemiah, pub. T. and T. Clark
  • Blenkinsopp, J. (1988) Ezra-Nehemiah, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-334-00444-6
  • Clines, D. J. (1984) Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, pub. Marshall, Morgan & Scott: ISBN 0-551-01118-1
  • Fensham, F. C. (1982) The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, pub. Eerdmans: ISBN 0-8028-2362-9
  • Myers, J. M. (1965a) Ezra and Nehemiah, pub. Doubleday
  • Rabinowitz, Y. (1984) The Book of Ezra, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-089-7
  • Torrey, C. C. (1910) Ezra Studies, pub. The Johns Hopkins Press
  • Williamson, H. G. M. (1985) Ezra, Nehemiah, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0215-0



See also Ezra

  • Rabinowitz, Y. (1990) The Book of Nehemiah, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-095-1


  • Braun, R. (1986) 1 Chronicles, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0213-4
  • Curtis, E. L. (1910) Chronicles, pub. T. and T. Clark: ISBN 0-567-05007-6
  • Dillard, R. B. (1987) 2 Chronicles, pub. Word Books: ISBN 0-8499-0214-2
  • Eisemann, M. (1987) I Chronicles, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-091-9
  • Eisemann, M. (1992) II Chronicles, pub. Mesorah Publications: ISBN 0-89906-093-5
  • Japhet, S. (1993) I & II Chronicles, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-334-02535-4
  • Klein, R. W. (2006) 1 Chronicles, pub. Fortress Press: ISBN 0-8006-6085-4
  • Knoppers, G. N. (2003) I Chronicles 1-9, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-46928-4
  • Knoppers, G. N. (2004) I Chronicles 10-29, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51288-0
  • Myers, J. M. (1965b) I Chronicles, pub. Doubleday
  • Myers, J. M. (1965c) II Chronicles, pub. Doubleday
  • Slotki, I. W. (1952) Chronicles, pub. Soncino
  • Torrey, C. C. (1954) The Chronicler's History of Israel, pub. Yale University Press
  • Williamson, H. G. M. (1982) 1 and 2 Chronicles, pub. Marshall, Morgan & Scott: ISBN 0-8028-1925-7

Apocrypha, etc. general

  • Charlesworth, J. H. (1982) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. 1, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-09630-5
  • Charlesworth, J. H. (1985) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. 2, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-18813-7
  • Dimiar, C. (1964) The Old Testament Apocrypha, pub. Burns & Oates
  • Metzger, B. M. (1957) An Introduction to the Apocrypha, pub. Oxford University Press

Apocrypha, etc. individual books

  • Coggins, R. J. & Knibb, M. A. (1979) The First and Second Books of Esdras, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-08656-6
  • Clarke, E. G. (1973) The Wisdom of Solomon, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-08635-3
  • Skehan, P. W. & di Lella, A. A. (1987) The Wisdom of Ben Sira, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-13517-3
  • Snaith, J. G. (1974) Ecclesiasticus, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-08657-4
  • Bartlett, J. R. (1973) The First and Second Book of Maccabees, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-08658-2
  • Goldstein, J. A. (1976) I Maccabees, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-08533-8
  • Goldstein, J. A. (1983) II Maccabees, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-04864-5
  • Russell, D. S. (1987) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, pub. SCM Press: ISBN 0-334-02229-0
  • Dancy, J. C. (1972) The Shorter Books of the Apocrypha, pub. Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-08614-0

New Testament

  • Beale, G. & Guthrie, D. (2007) Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, pub. Baker Academic: ISBN 9780801026935
  • Bruce, F. F. (1971) New Testament History, pub. Doubleday
  • Guthrie, D. (1990) New Testament Introduction (2nd ed), pub. InterVarsity Press: ISBN 0830814027
  • Guthrie, D., Motyer, J. A., Stibbs, A. M. & D.J. Wiseman, D. J. (1970) eds. The New Bible Commentary: Revised (3rd. ed.), pub. Eerdmans
  • Harrison, E. F. & Pfeiffer, C. F. (1962) The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, pub. Moody
  • Metzger, B. M. (1965) The New Testament, Its Background, Growth, and Content, pub. Abingdon
  • Moffatt, J. (1920) An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament (3rd ed), pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Tenney, M. C. (1965) New Testament Times, pub. Eerdmans


  • Albright, W. F. & Mann, C. S. (1995) Matthew, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300139785
  • Allen, W. C. (1907) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Harrington, D. J. (1992) The Gospel of Matthew, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5803-1
  • Hendriksen, W. (1973) The Gospel of Matthew, pub. Baker
  • Ridderbos, H. N. (1987) Matthew, pub. Zondervan
  • Toussaint, S. D. (1980) Behold the King: A Study of Matthew, pub. Multnomah


  • Donahue, J. R. & Harrington, D. J. (1994) The Gospel of Mark, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5804-8
  • Gould, E. P. (1912) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of St. Mark, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Guelich, R. A. (1989) Mark 1:1-8:26, pub. Word Books
  • Hendriksen, W. (1975) The Gospel of Mark, pub. Baker
  • Marcus, J. (2002) Mark 1-8, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300139792
  • Marcus, J. (2009) Mark 8-16, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300141160
  • Swete, H. B. (1892) The Gospel According to Saint Mark, pub. Cambridge University Press


  • Fitzmyer, J. A. (1970) Luke I-IX, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300139808
  • Fitzmyer, J. A. (1985) Luke X-XXIV, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300139815
  • Hendriksen, W. (1978) The Gospel of Luke, pub. Baker
  • Johnson, L. T. (1995) The Gospel of Luke, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5805-5
  • Morris, L. (1974) The Gospel According to St Luke, pub. Eerdmans
  • Plummer, A. (1920) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke, pub. T. & T. Clark


  • Bernard, J. H. (1928) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of St. John (2 vols), pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Brown, R. E. (1995) John I-XII, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300140521
  • Brown, R. E. (1970) John XIII-XXI, pub. Yale University Press: ISBN 9780300140729
  • Hendriksen, W. (1961) Exposition of the Gospel According to John, pub. Baker
  • Moloney, F. J. (1996) The Gospel of John, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5806-2
  • Morris, L. (1970) Commentary on the Gospel of John, pub. Eerdmans

Acts of the Apostles

  • Bruce, F. F. (1990) The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary (3rd. ed.), pub. Eerdmans
  • Bruce, F. F. (1956) The Book of Acts, pub. Eerdmans
  • Fitzmyer, J. A. (1982) Romans, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-46880-6
  • Gloag, P. J. (1870) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Harrison, E. F. (1976) Acts: The Expanding Church, pub. Moody,
  • Johnson, L. T. (2005) The Acts of the Apostles, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5968-7
  • Kistemaker, S. J. (1990) Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles, pub. Baker


  • Byrne, B. (2003) Romans, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5808-6
  • Cranfield, C. E. B. (1975) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, vol. 1, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Cranfield, C. E. B. (1977) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, vol. 2, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Fitzmyer, J. A. (1982) Romans, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-23317-5
  • Murray, J. (1968) The Epistle to the Romans, pub. Eerdmans
  • Sanday, W. H. & Headlam, A. C. (1904) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, pub. T. & T. Clark


  • Collins, R. (1998) First Corinthians, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5809-3
  • Furnish, V. P. (1993) II Corinthians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51726-2
  • Godet, F. (1957) Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians, pub. Zondervan
  • Hughes, P. E. (1962) Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, pub. Eerdmans
  • Lambrecht, J. (2003) Second Corinthians, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5810-9
  • Orr, W. F. & Walther, J. A. (1981) I Corinthians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-50916-2
  • Plummer, A. (1915) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Robertson, A. & Plummer, A. (1911) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, pub. T. & T. Clark


  • Burton, E. (1920) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Lightfoot, J. B. (1966) The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians, pub. Zondervan
  • Martyn, J. L. (1990) Galatians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51377-1
  • Matera, F. J. (1999) Galatians, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5811-6


  • Abbott, T. K. (1897) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Barth, M. (1981) Ephesians 1-3, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-04412-7
  • Barth, M. (1988) Ephesians 4-6, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51006-3
  • Hendriksen, W. (1966) Epistle to the Ephesians, pub. Baker


  • Hendriksen, W. (1962) A Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians, pub. Baker
  • Lightfoot, J. B. (1953) Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, pub. Zondervan
  • Reumann, J. (1969) Philippians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-06309-1
  • Thurston, B. B. & Ryan, J. (2000) Philippians and Philemon, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5820-8
  • Vincent, M. R. (1902) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon, pub. T. & T. Clark


  • Barth, M. & Blanke, H. (1995) Colossians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0385110685
  • Hendriksen, W. (1964) Exposition of Colossians and Philemon, pub. Baker
  • Lightfoot, J. B. (1959) St Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon, pub. Zondervan
  • MacDonald, M. Y. (1997) Colossians and Ephesians, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5819-2


  • Frame, J. E. (1912) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Hendriksen, W. (1955) Exposition of I and II Thessalonians, pub. Baker
  • Malherbe, A. J. (1974) The Letters to the Thessalonians, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51469-7
  • Morris, L. (1959) The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians, pub. Eerdmans
  • Richard, E. J. (1996) First and Second Thessalonians, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5974-8

The Pastoral Epistles (I & II Timothy and Titus)

  • Fairbairn, P. (1956) Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles, pub. Zondervan
  • Fee, G. D. (1988) 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, pub. Hendrickson
  • Fiore, B. (1993) The Pastoral Epistles (First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus), pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5814-7
  • Lock, W. (1924) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles (I & II Timothy and Titus), pub. T. & T. Clark



Letter to the Hebrews

  • Guthrie, D. (1962) Hebrews to Revelation, pub. Inter-Varsity Press
  • Guthrie, D. (1983) Hebrews, pub. Inter-Varsity Press: ISBN 0851118844
  • Mitchell, A. C. (2008) Hebrews, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5815-4
  • Moffatt, J. (1924) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, pub. T. & T. Clark

James, Peter & Jude

  • Bigg, C. (1901) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Elliott, J. H. (1972) 1 Peter, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-41363-7
  • Hartin, P. J. (2001) James, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5816-1
  • Johnson, L. T. (1980) Letter of James, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-41360-2
  • Neyrey, J. H. (1976) 2 Peter, Jude, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-51275-9
  • Ropes, J. H. (1916) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle of St. James, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Senior, D. P. & Harrington, D. J. (1997) 1 Peter, Jude and 2 Peter, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5817-8

Letters of John (the Johannine Epistles)

  • Brooke, A. E. (1912) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles, pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Brown, R. E. (1980) The Epistles of John, pub. Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-05686-9
  • Painter, J. (1996) 1, 2, and 3 John, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5812-3


  • Charles, R. H. (1920) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John (2 vols), pub. T. & T. Clark
  • Harrington, W. J. (2002) Revelation, pub. Liturgical Press: ISBN 978-0-8146-5818-5

See Also
