Raspbian “wheezy” OS was put onto SD cards with Win32DiskImager software as shown on the Raspberry Pi site. Here is an outline:
- Format SD card of any data (We used Fat32 file system)
- Download Raspberian image from Raspbian Download Site
- Copy Raspbian image to SD card using dd for Linux/Unix or Win32DiscImager for Windows.
On first boot run these commands:
- Set SD card to expand file system to whole SD card.
- Reconfigure locale settings with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" and set to "en_US.UTF-8"
- Reconfigure keyboard with "sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard/" and change "gb" to "us"
- Set time zone with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata"
- Start GUI with "startx"
raspi-config was run to expand the partition, set the time zone, enable SSH, and to change the boot behavior so as not to boot straight to desktop.
The Raspberry Pi's max ethernet speed is 100mbs, and so needs a slower switch than the rest of the computers which are at 1000mbs.
The etherent ports that are connected to the slow switch are:
158-L01 to 158-L08
These ports have static IP addresses, and can be accessed from throughout the college.
VNC (Virtual Network Control) software was then installed onto the Pi's with the command:
sudo apt-get install vncviewer
vim and proftpd were also installed, although not necessary for VNC.
To run the viewer with on startx, ~/.xinitrc was edited to read as follows:
nice -9 vncviewer -listen 1 -quality 7 -compresslevel 9 -nocusorshape
To disable the screen saver, x11-xserver-utils was installed, and the following lines were added to ~/.xinitrc:
xset s off
xset s noblank
xset -dpms
TightVNC was then installed on all of the computers in the room.
Bat files were placed on each desktop that connect the computer with one or more of the raspberry pi's. An example connection bat file is:
"c:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe" -controlservice -connect
"c:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe" -controlservice -shareprimary
Where is an example IP address of the Pi you want to connect to, and 5501 is the port number the connection is through.
The disconnect bat file is as follows:
"c:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe" -controlservice -disconnectall