AIFB DataSet
AIFB DataSet is a Semantic Web (RDF) dataset used as a benchmark in data mining. The dataset consists of a single approximately 3 megabyte large file. It records the organizational structure of AIFB at the University of Karlsruhe.
editGet the data
editThe dataset is distributed from
Get context
editThe dataset was used in Kernel Methods for Mining Instance Data in Ontologies. Find and read the part of the dataset on page 10.
editSetup a Python environment with rdflib installed and load the AIFB file and count the number of times the "affiliation" property is used:
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
g = Graph()
g.load('aifbfixed_complete.n3', format='n3')
len(list(g.triples((None, URIRef(""), None))))
The URI for the affiliations can be obtained with:
affiliations = g.triples((None, URIRef(""), None))
groups = set(affiliation[2] for affiliation in affiliations)
How many different affiliations are there?
Find the name of the affiliations via "".