Nature - its possibilities and restrictions


When 'Nature' is considered then it is usually meant everything what is happening throughout the universe without the interference of humans. Which makes it a prime suspect of the curiosity of humans and also a victim of human fantasy. Fantasy is very useful to keep natural evolutions going, as applied by nature, but can be very hindering or lead into the wrong direction if unchecked by reality. Therefore if fantasy is used to explain how nature works then it need to be taken into consideration what nature can do and what it can't do. Which is basically defined through the fact that nature is a physical phenomenon. Which means it is limited through its physical properties. This physical properties are all there is when times are considered when the abilities of humans still need to be evolved and are therefore far into the future. Which would be:

  • There are physical masses and their movements


  • There are no goals
  • There are no mistakes
  • There are no limitations
  • There is no starting over

Which is true for the past, the present and the future even when creatures with nonphysical abilities are able to interfere, like humans. Because humans are a part of the natural process.

Natural Evolution


If the term evolution is considered for the phenomenon of something growing on itself then it can be used to describe what is happening through nature. Where the main character would be that changes are producing something bigger from what was before which is basically an adapted version of what was before. Which lead to the conclusion that there was sometime a stage when it had to start with something which was in its smallest version and in circumstances (environment) which enabled that changes could take place.
Since basically everything we know is build out of a physical substance which we call matter it would be logic to assume that this something in its smallest form is matter. Which happens to have the property of mass and a function which is called inertia when it is moving. It also happens that the main reason, why some form of evolution takes place, seem to be movement. Therefore the circumstances which need to be present are that there are matters in their smallest form, as many as there could be, and they need to be moving in a space which can accommodate any changes which are happening to them. A universe filled with smallest possible particles of matter. And if the matter particles are also moving then the phenomenon of the natural evoluion takes place which can also be called life.
How the universe, its filling of matter and their movement came into existence can only be guessed at the current stage of knowledge. But it can be a realistic starting point which, through evolution, can lead to the present stage of the universe.
But the sequence of changes, called evolution, can only, since the starting situation is in its most primitive form, happen according to realistic principles. Which include the physical properties matter provides and the principles layed out above. Which would mainly separate them into the physical and possibility principles.
The physical principles are:

  • There can only be a change which can be accommodated through matter
  • There can only be one change at a time

The most important possibility principle, which encompasses all others is:

  • There is no predefined goal which needs to be achieved.

This principles lead to the, which seem to be the only, form of changes which can happen naturally: an action, which happens in the present of circumstances which lead to a reaction which can only be of one kind for this action and circumstances (ACR). And this, since the reaction is at the same time an action, have to happen in a sequence which never stops as long as the universe, filled with matter, exists.