

Cosmic Evolution - Growing through movement


Cosmic Evolution


Which, by itself, means the evolution of everything within the universe. With other words it is the story of whatever happened, happens and will happen in the universe. Which, according to what we can make out today, produces all kind of forms of matter. By what we can see we also realize that there are forms which are too small for us to “see” and others for which we have no technology yet to know. From this two the ones we cannot see are the more troublesome. Because whatever is there, what is too small for us to see, but we know have to be there, are the ones on which the ones we can see, are build from. With other words we don’t know on what our world is build on. But how can we specify how things work if we do not even know from what it is build? Luckily, or unluckily, we have fantasy. Which means, we can take what we know or guess and put it together in any form we like or ‘fantasize’ and see what would that lead to. Nature uses the same tactic by using the chance of movement to bring forms of matter together (action) and let the natural principles (circumstances) deside what will evolve from its reaction. The big difference is that nature cannot use matter which is fictional. Which, by its nature, always produces a physical product which is the next step of the evolution and from which the next step can be evolved. But exactly this restriction enables humans, if they follow the same limitations, to reconstruct what has happen in the universe.
Here is an attempt to do just that:

Evolution - growing naturally


Naturally, in this case, means that whatever happens is purely physical. There are no immediate or long term predefined purposes which guide what is happening, only the possibilities that a physical action can happen. And there are absolute no restrictions on what can happen.
The facts, that the evolution of matter goes from small to big, and that there is no knowing change of principles, makes the 'reconstruction' of the development which has happened in the universe, as known today, possible.
For this we need something which can evolve (grow) and the circumstances which makes it evolve. Therefore we start out with an endless space which is filled with an infinite amount of the smallest matter (mass) possible – which is named here the UrParticle [UP].
But this is enough. Matter, no matter how small, seem to have the possibility to bind with another matter to form something bigger. But since the smallest possible matter, a space filled with an uniform mass, almost certain rules out that it could produce a pulling force another natural way needed to be found to explain how single masses can stay together and grow. And to figure out how this is possible we need to combine what can be learned from the Newton Cradle and what else nature teaches us. And there is only one physical phenomenon which could do that - movement (energy).
The universe is big enough so that we can use quite a big part to explain nature, without reaching its borders. Therefore for our purpose there is no exchange with any matter from outside of the universe. Which means we deal with a fixed amount of matter even if the universe is, for our feeling of size, endless.
But we also always have to have in mind that, since there are no predefined purposes, there are no 'mistakes'. Everything is right, no matter what is the outcome. There is also never a 'starting over' - once it started it just goes on. Therefore whatever are the principles today were the principles at the assumed start and will be in the future.

Possible growing steps


Here are the basic steps on how matter could have evolved from its UP-state to galaxies or humans:
Step 1: growth by size - 3 dimensional
If matter is moving then there is the possibility that it collides (make physical contact) with another one. And there is the possibility that after a collision they stay together and grow (build) into a new form of matter. This is possible if the movements of the matters are in harmony, which means that their frequencies, directions, strength and phase match. They can be added without that they move the UPs apart. Since there is no pulling force active between the UPs at this stage it needs pressure of the environment to keep the UPs together. But probably both UPs had their movements changed since an exchange of movement (adaptation) took place. If they actually stay together then they now move in unison in a new combined form of movement. When there is enough empty space available in the environment then this movement can be a straight one with the appropriate direction and speed. But if the environment restricts or even prohibits free movement then the physical movement takes on an appropriate form or stops in which case the physical movement has to be passed on as a potential movement (potential energy). If none of the UPs can pass this potential movement on to the environment then it is passed on between the UPs which have collided and these may start to oscillate the potential movement between them. Since, in this case, this passing on of potential movement is directed toward each other it gives the impression that the UPs are drawn to each other. They physically stay together now on their own (no pressure needed). This rises the energy level of the now physically joint matter which can be termed that they are exited or charged or have a higher temperature. Therefore what is otherwise a one time happening, can become continuous while the two, now joint UPs, exchange a potential movement between each other. Specifically if energy is constantly supplied from the environment which restricts their movement and applies pressure on them.
Now, the new form of matter does not physically move and actually occupies the smallest space it can. Since the physical movement before the collision needed lots of space, room is now left into which the environment (pressure) can bring other UPs from outside. Which, under the right conditions, could join into the energy exchange and therefore grow the matter again. E.g. into a ring like formation where the potential movement is passed on in a circle. With the possibility that this ring formations can grow into any size.
If any matter in the ring is not physically touching the matter to which it is passing the energy then the passing on is interrupted (resistance). Therefore, on the next pass of energy (cycle), the inertia of the UP which has physical space available will transform the potential movement into a physical move, directed toward the next matter in line, until it touches the next matter and then pass on the remaining potential movement. Opening space in the ring will be closed consecutively by movements of matter, with the additonal effect of a shift in the phase, until no space is left.
This passing on of energy in ring form provides the possibilities that any matter in this ring can be a member of more rings which pass energy through it. The amount of energies which can be passed through an UP in different directions at the same time is probably limited because at some point this energies will cancel each other out or add up to a form which is impossible to pass on. But the possibility is there. And if rings join then the matter can grow in different directions into matter which is build of interconnecting rings.
In multiring formations energy is passed on in different direction which might impose some physical regulations on the form which can be build. This would include of where rings can be joint, how many rings can be interconnected and in which direction energy can be passed before the form falls apart again. Which means that the many passed on energies within the form must sum up to an equilibrium of energies which is characteristic for this form - an energy signature [ES]. Which means that if an energy is passed on to this formation it could be imprinted with a specific sequence of energies which are active within when it is passed through. Or the reaction will be specific to this sequence if it is acted on regarding to changes, redirection or split up (functionality).
But this also provides the possibility that stable forms of matter can be build which react with always the same specific functions when the circumstances are the same (provides a specific feedback). Once an ES is reached through the building and arranging of rings then the growth of size of this form ends. The urparticles [UP] of matter have grown into an element matter [EM].

Step 2: growth by repetition - 1 dimensional
The possibilities to grow does not end with the EM. In the overall shape of an EM there might be spots which enable to grow out rings which might not change the ES of the EM but provide the possibility to pass on energies or ES with some added control. Which might enable to grow another form there in consequence of the sequence of energy which is passed (ES). If EM connect direct together then the physical selection is limited. Both sides need to be connected to a place in their surface which is able to pass on the same kind of energy (movement). If they do not have that circumstances provided then they cannot hook up. And of course there has to be a chance that the EMs can come close enough and are right positioned to each other. Another possibility is that EMs have developed which can act as connecting centers which pass all sorts of energies in different directions without overloading them with its own. Since ESs are in essence a sequence of passed on energies they can be taken in at different connections (maybe one energy at a time), compared or handled otherwise and send out again in maybe one or more directions. Which would increase the intelligenz level of the manipulation of passed on energies or ESs. Which would provide the possibilities to handle EMs in symbolic form like a word. Forms of EM can be duplicated, complimented or compared without the need to now how it is physically build up. This has been translated into a sequence of energies. That this functionality is used by nature is shown through the C-atom in the amino group of an amino-acid (molecule) which can connect to four EMs. Which also shows the possibilities such Connecting EMs [CEM] provide. E.g. the immense amount of functionalities or data, which systems of EMs provide, which can be placed in any sequence to provide unlimited possibilities. This can be seen as the beginning of the development of segmented systems and the basis of functionalities which are developed to a much higher level and applied in a brain.

Step 3: growth by repetition - 2 dimensional
If growth has produced a chain of EMs and if they are connected by CEMs, then there is the possibility that the CEMs which form links to the CEMs of another chain. Or they can ‘grow’ a duplicate of the systems of EM, which they connect, out of the vacant connections. Which would form a blanket of chains or a 2 dimensional memory.

Step 4: growth by building 3 dimensional systems If 1 or 2 dimensional shapes are physically moved (or only partially) by pressure of the environment than there are the possibilities that they could form any kind of 3 dimensional shapes. Some with functionality others with none.

Step 5: growth by physical adaptation
When EMs have grown into shapes which constitute a 3 dimensional physical shape then this physical shape can provide circumstances which has to be met before its energy-function can be performed. Like an EM-blanket forms a tube through which matter, charged with a specific energy, has to pass to get to the place where it triggers a specific reaction. This adapts the movement of the EM to the physical shape of the environment which in turn could change the shape or functionality of the travelling EM. A form of feedback from the environment which adds conditions to the action. A higher level of intelligenz.

Step 6: growth by teaching
When EMs have grown into a shape which is able to control the movement of other EMs then it has the possibility to control the growth of this matter. E.g. if a tube of EMs guide the movement of an EM along its path then it can make it connect to certain EMs which are part of the tube and imprint some parts of the ES on the passing EM. Which would create an EM system with a predefined set of functionality.
Which means that the possibilities to react are now placed besides the possibilities to act and, with a constant source of energies, can keep on going to act/react to fullfil a predefined function. Which also means that the evolution is not any more a function of chance but now happens with a purpose. A next level of intelligenz.

Step 1 to N: There are many steps which lead to the growing which nature has reached today and are most likely not specific at all. With a lot of fantasy many can be envisioned. But the ACR is not a theory of fantasy. Therefore the basics of the ‘Growth by movement’ has to be worked out first and then the steps of growth will either become obvious or have to be worked out individual as well.