3-bit Walsh permutation/ortho

There are 252 different orthographic projections. They form 63 groups of four, that look similar. They are all shown below.
Within such a group, each image has a reflection at the antidiagonal and an image with the same outline.

The subpage .../comet shows the same information in a different layout.
19 different shapes
60 based on 12 squares
12 squares
24 simple parallelograms of type 1
24 simple parallelograms of type 2
48 based on 12 rectangles
12 rectangles
12 wide parallelograms (type 1)
12 long parallelograms (type 1)
12 hexagons (type 2)
144 based on 24 rectangles
24 rectangles
24 wide parallelograms (type 2)
48 long parallelograms (types 1 and 2)
48 hexagons (types 1 and 2)

Some images also have horizontally or vertically mirrored equivalents. And a few have all eight rotations and reflections in the symmetry group of the square.
(These are all in the third section. The former in 24 rectangles and 48 long parallelograms, the latter in 48 hexagons.)

rect h
rect h
par long 1h
par long 2h
par long 2v
rect v
par long 1v
rect v
hex 2b
hex 1b
hex 1a
hex 2a
hex 2a
hex 1a
hex 1b
hex 2b

60 based on 12 squares


12 squares

24 simple parallelograms of type 1

24 simple parallelograms of type 2

48 based on 12 rectangles


12 rectangles

12 wide parallelograms (type 1)

12 long parallelograms (type 1)

12 hexagons (type 2)

144 based on 24 rectangles


24 rectangles

24 wide parallelograms (type 2)
110 foo  

48 long parallelograms (types 1 and 2)
110 <
type 1   foo  

48 hexagons (types 1 and 2)
type 1   spam