1000 Songs/Trisagion Hymn (John Chrysostem)

Trisagion Hymn (John Chrysostem)

1000 Songs

Text edit

Author edit

St. John Chrysostem – 347-407

Translations/Challenges edit

The Trisosgion Hymn : was originally written in Greek but it has been translated into Elizabethan and Modern English.

Editor's Choice edit

Music edit

Tune edit

Arrangements edit

Editor's Choice edit

Background edit

Author biography edit

Author's circumstances edit

Author biography/Author's circumstances: John Chrysostem was a man that was devoted to living a life after Christ. He grew up in a good moral home with his mother and sister even after his father’s death. Those morals stuck with Chrysostem throughout his life and helped to make an impact in the world.

Historical setting edit

Cultural setting edit