MediaWiki questions and answers

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Educational level: this is a secondary education resource.
Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.
Educational level: this is a research resource.

The additional study tool for getting to know MediaWiki supplements your study. You use it by writing down questions and answers that you find online (chatGPT, YouTube, discussion groups). As part of practicing understanding a given topic, you can also answer questions without answers.

If you understand the issue, you use the General questions section. Otherwise, you write in the Lay questions section and attach a detailed description, video, or photos so that others understand what you are talking about. The last section is for Related questions. Sometimes, however, finding a page for a related question that deals with the given topic is more advantageous. We leave the choice up to you.

General questions


If you can name the individual parts and processes, this is a general question that others can answer. If not, continue to the Lay questions section.

No. Question Answer Notes
GQ.1 How to handle Interwiki prefix: at special:import page? Interwiki probably serves here to fill in the source to the revission. So for example English Wikipedia should be refared as w:en.
GQ.2 If special:import fails, does it loads all other parts of xml dump, or they those behind failure are not loaded?

Lay questions


If you cannot name individual parts or processes, this is a layman's question. You need to attach pictures, diagrams, or videos and describe everything perfectly so that others understand what you are talking about.

No. Question Detailed description, photos, video Answer Notes A subject-specific version of the question

Questions that are not related to the main subject but are related to it. Consider writing the question and answer on a page closer to the topic (list of available topics).

No. Question Detailed description, photos, video Answer Notes