DescriptionMotm 2010 07 Howiesons Poort.pdf |
English: During the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa, technological and behavioral innovations led to significant changes in the lifeways of modern humans. The glacial episode of Marine Isotope Stage 4, about 57-71,000 years ago, resulted in cooler and drier climatic conditions and the expansion of grassland vegetation. Sea level dropped by as much as 80 meters below its current level. During this period the cultural phase known as the Howieson’s Poort appeared across much of Southern Africa, peaking at about 60-65,000 years ago, and then disappeared. The lithic industry of the Howieson’s Poort is exemplified by changes in technology, such as the use of the punch technique, an increase in the selection of fine-grained silcrete, and the predominance of retouched pieces including backed tools, segments, scrapers and points. Segments are the type fossil of the Howieson’s Poort and represent multi-purpose armatures that were hafted onto wooden spear shafts. The standardized design and refined style of segments convey information about the behavior of their makers and provide insight about group identity. Increasing use of ochre, the presence of engraved ostrich eggshells, and a bone tool industry are associated with these stone artifacts. Also evident is an intensified use of space. Taken together, these behaviors suggest that the Howieson’s Poort represents a clear marker of modern human culture.
Afrikaans: Tydens die Middelsteentydperk in suidelike Afrika, het tegnologiese en gedrags-innovasies gelei tot aansienlike verandering in die lewenswyse van moderne mense. Die gletser-era van die Marine-isotoopstadium 4, sowat 57-71,000 jaar gelede, het koeler en droër klimaatstoestande ten gevolg gehad, asook gedyende grasvelde. Die seevlak het met soveel as 80m onder die huidige gedaal. In hierdie periode het die sg. Howiesonpoort-kultuurfase opgebloei in die oorgrote deel van suidelike Afrika, met 'n hoogtepunt sowat 60-65,000 jaar gelede, waarna dit verdwyn. Die litiese industrie van Howiesonpoort naby Grahamstad word benadruk deur verandering in tegnologie, soos die gebruik van die stamptegniek, 'n toename in die voorrang van fyngrynige silkreet, en die presedensie van herbewerkte stukke insluitend agter-afgeronde werktuie, segmente, skrapers en punte. Segmente is die tipe-fossiel van Howiesonpoort, verteenwoordig deur veeldoelige raamvorms, afgewerk tot punte vir houtspiese. Die standaardontwerp en verfynde segmentstyl bied insig tot die gedrag van hul vervaardigers en hul groepidentiteit. Toenemende okeraanwending, teenwoordigheid van gegraveerde volstruiseierdoppe, en 'n beenwerktuigindustrie word verbind met die beenartefakte. Ook is 'n meer intensiewe ruimtebenutting opvallend. Saam beskou, sou hierdie gedragsvorme aandui dat Howiesonpoort 'n duidelike baken vorm in die moderne menskultuur. |