
Migraine is a medical condition that usually causes severe beating headaches on one side of the head. The pain can be very serious and hurt so much that it is difficult for people to do anything. Although most people with migraines have headaches, not everyone has it. There are different types of migraine, some of which do not cause headaches but other symptoms.

偏头痛是一种医学状况,通常会在头部的一侧引起严重的跳动性头痛。 疼痛可能非常严重并且受到很大伤害,以至于人们很难做任何事情。 虽然大多数患有偏头痛的人都有头痛,但不是每个人都有。 偏头痛有不同类型,其中一些不会引起头痛,但会引起其他症状。