Writing/Active voice

(Redirected from Writing/active voice)

Lesson Title: Unveiling the Power of Active Voice[1]

Objective: Students will understand the distinction between active voice and passive voice, and they will recognize the benefits of using active voice in their writing.


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handout with examples of active and passive voice sentences
  • Writing paper and pens/pencils for students

Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Define Active and Passive Voice:
    • Write the definitions on the board.
      • Active Voice: The subject performs the action.
      • Passive Voice: The subject receives the action.
  2. Discuss Purpose:
    • Ask students why they think using active voice is important in writing. Encourage a brief discussion.

Activity (20 minutes):

  1. Examples on the Board:
    • Write several examples of sentences on the board, mixing active and passive voice.
      • Active: "The chef cooked a delicious meal."
      • Passive: "A delicious meal was cooked by the chef."
  2. Identify the Subject:
    • Have students identify the subject in each sentence and determine whether it's performing the action or receiving the action.
  3. Discuss Impact:
    • Ask students how each sentence feels and whether one version is more direct or engaging than the other.
  4. Handout Activity:
    • Distribute a handout with additional examples for students to practice identifying active and passive voice. In pairs or individually, have them rewrite passive sentences into active ones.

Discussion (10 minutes):

  1. Review Examples:
    • Discuss the handout examples as a class, highlighting the changes made to convert passive voice sentences to active voice.
  2. Benefits of Active Voice:
    • Emphasize the benefits of using active voice:
      • Clarity: Active voice is usually clearer and more direct.
      • Engagement: Active voice engages the reader by focusing on the doer of the action.
      • Conciseness: Active voice often results in more concise and powerful sentences.

Application (15 minutes):

  1. Writing Exercise:
    • Have students write a paragraph or short essay using active voice. Encourage them to focus on creating sentences that are clear, engaging, and direct.
  2. Peer Review:
    • Pair students for a peer review session. Have them exchange papers, identify instances of active voice, and discuss how the use of active voice contributes to the clarity and impact of the writing.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Class Discussion:
    • Bring the class together for a brief discussion about their writing experience with active voice. Ask students to share how using active voice affected their writing style.
  2. Wrap-Up:
    • Reiterate the importance of active voice in effective communication and encourage students to incorporate it into their future writing.

By engaging students with examples, hands-on activities, and discussions, this lesson aims to provide a clear understanding of active and passive voice while emphasizing the benefits of choosing active voice in writing.

  1. ChatGPT generated this text responding to the prompt: "Create a writing lesson that illustrates the distinction between active voice and passive voice. Explain why active voice is often preferred".