Space and Global Health/Community of Practice/EFG-SGH-CoP2018

Videoconferences at Local and Regional Meeting Points, will be organized between, July 30th, 2018 and August 2nd, 2018.

Proposed Regional Meeting Point




At the proposed Regional or Local Meeting Points (LMP/RMP) scientist with different background and expertise come together to allow a cross-diciplinary face to face communication. The video conferencing system connects the LMPs and RMPs with eachother. Even if possible try to avoid connecting to the EFG-SGH-CoP meeting as a single user. In the previous year we have used framing office hours for the meeting from different time zones. In 2018 the time zone of +8h will be optimal, for Western Australia, China, Indonesia. The concept of LMPs and RMPs is used have

  • econmic benefits, for the reduction of travel benefits
  • environmental benefits with the reduction of Greenhouse Gas and
  • participatory benefits that participants cannot afford the international travel can join and share their ideas.

The LMP/RMP concept was tested/piloted at UN-Campus in Bonn in 2012

List of Local and Regional Meeting Points


List of Presentation/Publication



  • Information Systems: Digital Signature and its application on Spatial Decision Support Systems
  • Learning Environments and Risk Literacy: Case Study of Open Educational Resources and Risk Literacy/Real World Labs.
  • NGO Activities: Contributions of Humanitarian Open Street for Global Health Risk Mitigation
  • Problem Solving: Contributions of Systems Thinking to support Sustainable Development Goals[1].
  • Technology: Multiplatfom HTML5 Augmented Reality App for supporting the use of geolocated OER,
  • Psychology: Beliefs and behavioural change in Risk Literacy and Global Health
  • Mathematics: Spatial Decision Support System and non-Eucleading Topology for Epidemiological Distances
  • Cross Disciplinary Links: Similarities and Difference of Application of Space Technology on Disaster Management and Global Health - Development of Standards
  • Economics: Requirements and Constraints of cross-organisational, cross-institutional collaboration and resource management for the Health and Risk Management communities (e.g. Disaster Management) in general.


  1. Kates, R. W., Parris, T. M., & Leiserowitz, A. A. (2005). What is sustainable development? Goals, indicators, values, and practice. Environment(Washington DC), 47(3), 8-21.