Social Skills/Small Talk

Small talk is a great way to initiate and maintain casual conversations with acquaintances.[1] Here's a list of topics that are generally safe, neutral, and can help break the ice in various social situations:

  1. What's New:
    • "What's new with you?"
    • "What have you been up to lately?"
  2. Weather:
    • "How's the weather been treating you lately?"
  3. Current Events:
    • "Have you heard about any interesting news lately?"
  4. Weekend Plans:
    • "Any exciting plans for the weekend?"
  5. Hobbies:
    • "Do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy in your free time?"
  6. Travel:
    • "Have you been on any interesting trips recently?"
  7. Books or Movies:
    • "Read any good books or watched any interesting movies lately?"
  8. Local Events:
    • "Are there any upcoming events in the area that you're looking forward to?"
  9. Food:
    • "Have you tried any new restaurants or recipes lately?"
  10. Pets:
    • "Do you have any pets? What are their names?"
  11. Sports:
    • "Do you follow any sports teams? How are they doing this season?"
  12. Work:
    • "How's work been for you recently?"
  13. Technology:
    • "Have you discovered any cool apps or gadgets lately?"
  14. Music:
    • "Do you have a favorite type of music, or have you been to any concerts?"
  15. Upcoming Holidays:
    • "Any special plans for the upcoming holiday?"
  16. TV Shows:
    • "Have you been watching any interesting TV shows lately?"
  17. Fitness:
    • "Do you have any favorite workout routines or activities?"
  18. Art and Culture:
    • "Have you visited any museums or art galleries recently?"
  19. Gardening:
    • "Do you have a green thumb? Any favorite plants or flowers?"
  20. Family:
    • "How is your family doing? Any exciting news to share?"
  21. Goals and Aspirations:
    • "Is there something you're currently working towards or excited about?"

Remember, the key to successful small talk is to be genuine and responsive. Listen actively to the other person's responses, and don't be afraid to share a bit about yourself as well. Small talk is a two-way street that helps build connections and create a comfortable atmosphere in social interactions.

  1. ChatGPT generated this text responding to the prompt: “Provide a list of topics that are useful for beginning a ‘small talk’ conversation with an acquaintance.”