RuralWeb/What is RuralWeb?

RuralWeb makes information from Internet useful and accessible to communities worldwide - RuralWeb is the first online community for content for and by people from developing countries, concerning ICT and business, that is 1) local ways for start-up finance & other important entrepreneur-issues; 2) Making beautiful websites 3) ICT-education in general. (on a later stage we also want to focus on other themes, such as agriculture)

Because,many people in Africa, Latin America and Asia already have access to the internet (and their number is growing every day!). RuralWeb believes sharing information on computer-use and ICT can help to acquire skills for personal or professional goals. Because:

  • ICT can help people to be informed and share information, ICT can help to fight poverty, and ICT education reduces the ICT gap in the world. ICT unleashes the potential of people.
  • ICT can help accessing information; it gives opportunities for education, leisure, employment, time savings, and financial benefits.