Praying in the synagogue/Shema Yisrael

The length of the Shema (short for Shema Yisrael) depends on your denomination, or the denomination of the shul (synagogue) you wish to visit. The Orthodox shuls have an elaborate list of blessings preceding the Shema itself, while Conservative and Reform seem to just jump right into it.

It is extremely important when reciting the first verse of the Shema (Shema Yisrael, HaShem Eloenyu, HaShem Ekhad) to cover your eyes with your right hand and enunciate each word clearly. For this reason, some ArtScroll siddurs (prayerbooks) have separating bars after each word. The verse literally means Hear, O Israel, The Name (i.e., G-d) is our L-rd, The Name (i.e., G-d) is One.