Online surveys/Qualtrics

Online surveys with Qualtrics:
Workshop notes

Overview edit

This workshop is designed to step novices through creating and implementing online surveys using Qualtrics.

Access to Qualtrics edit

Access to Qualtrics is via paid subscription. University of Canberra (UC) staff and students can access Qualtrics via

Getting started edit

Getting started with Qualtrics (Video)

If you're keen to explore, try

  1. Creating a test survey
  2. Adding some questions
  3. Previewing the survey
  4. Launching the survey
  5. Viewing responses
  6. Downloading responses

Workshop content edit

During the workshop we will cover basic skills to get you up and running, including:

  1. Creating projects
  2. Sharing projects
  3. Blocks
  4. Question types
  5. Response validation
  6. Survey flow
  7. Survey termination
  8. Previewing surveys
  9. Distributing surveys
  10. Viewing and managing responses
  11. Finishing data collection
  12. Exporting data
  13. Contacting Qualtrics Support

Depending on time and interest, we may also cover these other features:

  1. Collecting identifying information into a separate survey
  2. Look and feel
    1. Move progress bar to top of survey
  3. Testing and editing active surveys
  4. Randomization
    1. Blocks
    2. Questions
    3. Responses
  5. Embedded data
  6. Quotas
  7. Collecting identifying information into a separate survey
  8. Paid recruitment options
    1. Purchase respondents (Qualtrics)
    2. Microworkers

Help edit

The Qualtrics Help documentation is excellent:

  1. Qualtrics support

See also edit

  1. Security and privacy
  2. Some more advanced Qualtrics functions
  3. Survey design workshop