
Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

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 * This JS file is part of the MOOC Addin (
 * @author Sebastian Schlicht (
 * @author René Pickhardt (
 * This JS code holds localization messages used in the MOOC interface.
 * When ported to another MediaWiki instance this code can be changed in order to apply the appropiate language.
/* necessary to avoid interpretation of special character sequences such as signations */
// <nowiki>

// error messages
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_INDEX_HEADER', 'malformed header: "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WADD_REQ', 'AddinMooc addSectionToPage: failed to add section "$2" to page "$1" (status code: $3)');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WCONTENT_REQ', 'AddinMooc doPageContentRequest: content request failed for page "$1", section $2 (status code: $3)');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WEDIT_REQ', 'AddinMooc doEditRequest: failed to edit page "$1" (status code: $2)');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WQUERY_VIDEO', 'AddinMooc getVideoUrls: failed to extract URL from missing field "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WTOKEN_MISSING', 'AddinMooc doEditTokenRequest: failed to get edit tokens for "$1" (server response: $2)');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WTOKEN_PARSING', 'AddinMooc parseEditTokens: failed to extract token from missing field "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('ERR_WTOKEN_REQ', 'AddinMooc doEditTokenRequest: token request failed for pages "$1" (status code: $2)');
// log messages
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_ADD_CHILD', 'new child for $1 "$2": $3');//TODO: split $3 into type and name
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_DIS_NUMTHREADS', '$1 threads aggregated from $2 talk pages');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_DIS_POST_INVALID', 'invalid post in thread #$1: $2');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_DIS_THREAD_SECTION', 'thread "$1" is section $2');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_INDEX', 'index located @ "$1" for MOOC "$2"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_INDEX_HEADER', '$1 "$2" in level $3 @ path $4');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_PAGE_NOMOOC', 'not a MOOC page');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WADD', 'AddinMooc addSectionToPage: adding section "$2" to page "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WADD_RES', 'AddinMooc addSectionToPage: server responded with "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WEDIT', 'AddinMooc doEditRequest: editing {{PLURAL:$2|0=|section $2 of }}page "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WEDIT_RES', 'AddinMooc doEditRequest: server responded with "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WPARSE', 'parsing "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WPARSE_RES', 'AddinMooc parseThreads: server responded with "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WQUERY_VIDEO_URL', 'URL for video "$1": $2');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('LOG_WTOKEN_TOKEN', 'AddinMooc parseEditTokens: token for page "$1": "$2"');
// generated summaries
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('SUM_THREAD_ADD', 'new question: "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('SUM_THREAD_ADD_INDEX', 'discussion statistic update due to new thread');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('SUM_THREAD_REPLY', 'replied to "$1"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('SUM_THREAD_REPLY_INDEX', 'discussion statistic update due to reply');
// summary appendices
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUMAPX_ADD_CHILD', '$1 added');//TODO: split $1 into type and name
// default summaries
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_CREATE_INVOKE_PAGE', 'invoke page for MOOC $1 created');//TODO: split $1 into type and name
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_furtherReading', 'further reading changed');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_learningGoals', 'learning goals changed');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_quiz', '');// placeholder
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_QUIZ', 'quiz update for MOOC $1 "$2"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_script', '');// placeholder
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_SCRIPT', 'script update for MOOC $1 "$2"');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFSUM_EDIT_video', 'video changed');
// default values
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFVAL_QUIZ', '<quiz display=simple>\n' +
  '{Example question\n' +
  '|type="[]"}\n' +
  'correct answer\n' +
  '|| explanation for the correct answer is only displayed after the quiz is answered\n' +
  '- wrong answer\n' +
  '|| explanation for the wrong answer is only displayed after the quiz is answered\n' +
  '- another wrong answer\n' +
  '|| explanation for the wrong answer is only displayed after the quiz is answered\n' +
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('DEFVAL_SCRIPT', '<!-- put your $1 script here -->');
// user interface
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_ASK_BTN_ASK', 'Ask');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_ASK_LABEL_TITLE', 'Question title:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_ASK_LABEL_CONTENT', 'Your question:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_ASK_TITLE_MISSING', 'You can not ask a question without providing a title!');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_BTN_add-lesson', 'Add lesson');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_BTN_add-unit', 'Add unit');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_BTN_create-mooc', 'Create MOOC');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_BTN_edit', 'Save');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_addLesson', 'Please notice that all underscores in a lesson title will be replaced with spaces.');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_addUnit', 'Please notice that all underscores in a unit title will be replaced with spaces.');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_createMooc', 'Please notice that all underscores in a MOOC title will be replaced with spaces.');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_furtherReading', 'Further reading items are separated by newlines and start with a "#".');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_learningGoals', 'Learning goals are separated by newlines and start with a "#".');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_quiz', 'Hint: Use the following link to edit the quiz at its wiki page: ' +
  '<a href="$1/quiz&action=edit">edit quiz externally</a>' +
  '<br>Visit <a href="">Help:Quiz</a> for more information about quiz formats.');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_script', 'Hint: Use the following link to edit the script at its wiki page: ' +
  '<a href="$1/script&action=edit">edit script externally</a>');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_HELP_video', 'The video can either be a text to be displayed or a video file such as "File:MyVideo.ogv" that will be displayed as thumbail. Keep in mind that this file must exist ether on or on');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_SUMMARY', 'Enter edit summary:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_addLesson', 'Enter lesson name:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_addUnit', 'Enter unit name:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_createMooc', 'Enter MOOC title:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_furtherReading', 'Enter further reading:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_learningGoals', 'Enter learning goals:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_quiz', 'Enter quiz:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_script', 'Enter script:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_MODAL_LABEL_TITLE_video', 'Enter video:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_POST_SIGNATURE', 'posted at $1 by $2');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_REPLY_BTN_REPLY', 'reply');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_REPLY_BTN_SEND', 'Send reply');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_REPLY_LABEL_CONTENT', 'Your reply:');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_SECTION_BTN_EXPAND', '&#8595; Read more &#8595;');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_THREAD_BTN_EXPAND', '&#8595; Read more &#8595;');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_THREAD_LABEL_HEADER', '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reply|replies}}');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.setMessage('UI_THREAD_UNSIGNED', 'No one signed this thread.');

/* no idea
setMessage('section-discussion', 'Discussion');
setMessage('section-furtherReading', 'Further reading');
setMessage('section-learningGoals', 'Learning goals');
setMessage('section-quiz', 'Quiz');
setMessage('section-script', 'Script');
setMessage('section-units', 'Associated units');
setMessage('section-video', 'Video');

AddinMooc_CONFIG.LOADED += 1;

// </nowiki>