Introduction to psychology

Subject classification: this is a psychology resource.
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Welcome to Introduction to Psychology which provides learning resources that can be used to introduce learners to psychology.

Objectives edit

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Describe the scientific methods utilized in the study of human behavior;
  • Appreciate the diversity of the field of psychology and the dynamic nature of its continuing development and growth;
  • Understand the influence of biology, learning histories, situations, cognition, personality, and cultural factors, in the shaping and development of human behavior;
  • Understand the concepts, histories, methods of investigation, and theories of the different subfields of psychology;
  • Appreciate the importance of psychological principles as they apply to everyday life.

Outline edit

  1. Introduction to psychology as a science
  2. Research methods in psychology
  3. Biological basis of behavior
  4. Sensation and perception
  5. States of consciousness
  6. Human development
  7. Learning
  8. Memory
  9. Language and cognition
  10. Motivation and emotion
  11. Personality
  12. Intelligence
  13. Psychological disorders
  14. Psychotherapy and intervention
  15. Social psychology
  16. Media and communications psychology

Textbooks edit

Introductory psychology textbooks tend to cover a similar range of topics. It is recommended that this course use Introduction to Psychology (Wikibooks), as well as other online resources.

OpenStax has a free online introductory psychology textbook: Psychology 2e

Other edit

  • Saul Kassin's 'Psychology'.
  • Psychology by Alan J. Fridlund, Daniel Reisberg, Henry Gleitman. This textbook has been used for Stanford, Penn, MIT, and Harvard Introduction to Psychology courses.
  • Bernard J. Luskin, Casting the Net Over Global Learning, New Developments in Workforce Training and Online Psychologies, Griffin Publishing Group, 2002.

Lectures edit

See also edit

Related areas edit

Related topics edit

External links edit

Learning about Psychology edit

History of Psychology edit

Other edit