Ideal NASA Annual Budget

Ground Rules

  • Goal - Establish a process that simulates real world so entrepreneurs and engineers can self organize profitable ventures advancing human space civilization.
  • Fair play - Start simple ... get to the advanced issues of corruption, boundary uncertainties, etc. later ... or not. Somebody wants to study some additional aspect Edit Boldly
  • No information hiding - cite sources when possible so opponents can check your data and claims.
  • What happens in this room stays in this room. No carrying grudges in or out of this room. The purpose of this debate is mutual practice and learning. We are all w:dear enemies here trying to reach common goal of profitable space activities ... or are we?
  • Devil's advocates, trolls, etc. should clearly identify themselves. For example: A rabid luddite who thinks the human race should die off to preserve ecological diversity should acknowledge they are against space development because they have other priorities and be polite participants ... no active sabotaging our process by fraudulent means .... if you do maybe later we will have a trust metric capable of tagging you as a vandal in just this room. A devout Christian who thinks the lord has given us the word in the bible that there shall be no war in heaven, thus we should meekly stay on the ground and wait for the great shout is welcome to practice loving people here as long as they are not disruptive or fraudulent in their claims.

Instantanous Aggregate Result - However we decide to tally and set the budget it will result in a budget forecast used for reference by the Lunar Boom Town project. This is a very important parameter that Lunar Boom Town has entrusted to us so lets do the best we can.

Active Participant Contexts

  • user:mirwin I am a practicing socialist of great civic virtue, whom U.S.G. makes a great net profit on if they were practicing accurate accounting. There is a bullet resume of mine at user:mirwin. I was raised as a U.S. military dependent. I started engineering college on a U.S. Air Force "full ride 4 year scholarship" but quit after a year and worked my way through as a union laborer pulling green chain in Oregon. I worked for USAF for five years (government employee paid via taxes confiscated by naked force) then I was a sole proprietor for ten years with normalized estimate or equivalent of twelve employees. I went bankrupt and was designated/diagnosed as "Bipolar". I current live with my parents on a 600/mon SSI check in a house the family (parents and siblings) have agreed I will inherit. I am now a practicing free engineer self insured doing self directed military research. As you can probably tell I wanted desperated to be a capitalist tycoon who could beg, borrow, or steal a ticket into a space settlement. As a result of my failure I currently live in great luxury at the continuing expense of the U.S.G. I will entertain any personal questions here in public if some of our space capitalists wish to explore how my status affects my input into our proposed budget for Lunar Boom Town. In other words, if you think I am in error because of personal values let's chat about it.
  • user:mirwin U.S. Citizen, all dues and taxes to date paid in full. Mostly socialist. Believes all ideologies are flawed, some worse than others. Favors parallel cross linked economic model segments with well defined and fairly enforced boundary conditions.

Case 1 - NASA has been and continues to be the most profitable department of the U.S.G. and must be reinforced and its programs accelerated for the U.S.G. to avoid bankruptcy. As a result of the analysis we shall/should lobby Congress to pass legislation creating a long term budget profile for NASA so private citizens can effectively create and migrate to Lunar Boom Town.

The budget model will aggregate all opinions into a spending forecast that will be used by the Lunar Boom Town project for critical path analysis and integration within NASA's systems of systems approach to developing the Solar economy.

Thesis to prove, dispove, discuss. Please edit boldy or ask questions or express opinions. No progress can be made here without meaningful knowledge input and mutual learning.

  • Today NASA is a better avenue for technology research to benefit the private sector than the military and the war effort would benefit from money shifted from military research to NASA as well.
  • Over funding of NASA for the past few decades for meagre returns has damaged space development and funding should be trimmed immediately if U.S.G. intends to avoid bankruptcy.