The universe... lately I have been treating the universe as contained in a black body radiator of layered boundary. At the limit of our universe on all sides it is possible that the boundary at infinity could be treated as a black body radiator with varied specific heat which means that there could be temperature profile that would be present which is non-uniform. The internal properties could contain multi-universe on particular layers. Like the sun has different layers so does our inverted universe at its boundary. Meaning there is a limit that exists at infinity of our universe which is consistent with a black body radiator of graded specific heat. This should account for a non uniform heat profile that that could expand on one plane wile compress on another. electromagnetic radiation can be well-defined as for matter. Thermal radiation in a cavity has energy density (see Planck's Law) of

Differentiating the above with respect to temperature, Macroscopically, temperature is related to the amount of internal energy and enthalpy of a system: the higher the temperature of a system, the higher its internal energy and enthalpy. For a system in thermal equilibrium at a constant volume, temperature is thermodynamically defined in terms of its energy (E) and entropy (S) as:

Temperature is an intensive property of a system, meaning that it does not depend on the system size, the amount or type of material in the system, the same as for the pressure and density. By contrast, mass, volume, and entropy are extensive properties, and depend on the amount of material in the system” (Extracted from Wikipedia) U/V=(8π^5 〖k^4 (∂E)〗^3)/(15〖(hc ∂S)〗^3 ) Therefore the energy per unit volume of the universe at its boundary is U/V. This means the universe contains a non uniform specific heat everywhere the energy per unit volume should be distributed with some fractal non-uniform space-time scale-size functionality. This of course should be consistent with thermal dynamics and in particular statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics.

This means ∂E/∂S is a function of V thus ∂U/∂V ≈ (∂E(V)/∂S)^3. We live in a universe of non uniform specific heat is the result.

Dennis William Melton