E-lab on education/Intro

The need of new principles and methods for massive scientific education has become particularly relevant with the awareness of new complex societal and globalized problems. The new education must become more personalized, as the skills needed to master our world are increasingly sophisticated, but also diversified. Personalized education should also be participative (as with the personal tutor of ancient times), predictive (for guessing the next step toward the best skill level), and also preventive (for avoiding withdrawals). Defining, and also implementing, such a new educational paradigm requires the discussion of new concepts, definitions, protocols, and the use of very specific tools for massive education. This is the main goal of the CS-DC e-Laboratory on Education. Particularly, the challenges are the following:

  • Define the main concepts supporting a Science of Personalized Massive Education;
  • Define protocols for the integration of predictive models within Personalized Massive Education platforms;
  • Use complex systems modelling to implement the Personalised Massive Education concepts;
  • Merge tools already available within a Personalized Massive Education LMS platform. During three working days with seniors and juniors, short oral talks, as well as modelling and implementation tasks, will discuss and contribute to a new LMS platform;
  • Organize an International Conference at the end of 2014 for the Science of Personalized Massive Education. This conference will act as the starting nucleus of the new community;
  • Prepare research project proposals.