Data Networking/Spring 2015/GROUP4/FTP

1. Install vsftpd

 sudo apt-get install vsftpd

2. modify the permissions to the files using the vsftp.conf

 sudo nano /etc/vsftd.conf
 Enable anonymous
 Enable local
 Enable writ
 Uncomment ASCII upload
 Uncomment ASCII download
 Uncomment and modify ftpd_banner
 Modify pam to ftp

3. add a group to share files

  Group add mvrs

4. add user to access the group

  Useradd -g mvrs -d /home/mahidhar/mvrs/ftp

5. create password to the user ftp

  password ftp 
  Create new password ********
  Confirm new password ******* change the permissions to the user add the below line

  chmod 775/home/mahidhar/FTP-shared add users users to the group

 chmwon root:mvrs/home/mahidhar/FTP-shared.

8.start the ftp service

 sudo service vsftpd restart

To test FTP

 ftp localhost
 enter username
 enter password 
 now change the local directory "lcd /home/mahidhar/FTP-shared"
 to download file "get download "filename""
 to upload file "sent upload "filename""