
Units astronomy is a lecture that may be included in courses like principles of radiation astronomy. It is focused on units used to describe astronomical entities, sources, or objects, and astronomical equipment.

Hubble Space Telescope-Image of Supernova 1994D (SN1994D) in galaxy NGC 4526 (SN 1994D is the bright spot on the lower left). Credit: NASA/ESA, The Hubble Key Project Team and The High-Z Supernova Search Team.

You are free to take this quiz at any time.

Once you’ve read and studied the lecture itself, the links contained within the lecture and listed under See also, External links, you should have adequate background to to get 100 %. The template {{radiation astronomy resources}} may also help with background knowledge.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

Enjoy learning by doing!

Quiz edit


1 Complete the text:

Terahertz radiation refers to electromagnetic waves propagating at

in the


2 Yes or No, A lightyear is a longer distance unit than a parsec.


3 Complete the text:

Astronomers place the submillimetre waveband between the


wavebands, typically taken to be between a few hundred micrometres and a millimetre.

4 True or False, A kilometre is a longer distance unit than an au.


5 Astronomy is not purely mathematics because of which phenomena?

the Sun
displacements consist of a number plus a dimension such as kilometers
a late-summer rainstorm

6 True or False, The symbol π represents an irrational number encountered when calculating cyclical or circular celestial phenomena.


7 One use of mathematics with respect to an object in the sky is the calculation of its

8 True or False, The distance of the Earth's orbit around the Sun is called a furlong.


9 True or False, A hectare is a unit of flux.


10 Yes or No, A unit, especially in astronomy, is often a quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which quantities may be expressed.


Hypotheses edit

  1. Units used in astronomy may have changed greatly since its beginnings.

See also edit

External links edit

{{History of science resources}}